Analytical Solutions Toolbox for Multiphase Core Analysis

Developing a digital toolbox for Special Core Analysis (SCAL).

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Project number


Total budget

0.5 MNOK

Project period

1 Oct 2023 to 30 Jun 2024

From left Iván Darío Piñerez Torrijos, Alejandro Escalona, Pål Østebø Andersen and Jassem Abbasi.

The primary objective is to validate the technical and commercial feasability of a digital toolbox for Special Core Analysis (SCAL). To achieve this objective, the following secondary objectives are proposed:

Technical objectives

  1. To built a digital module for centrifuge experiments, and validate this first protoype in an industrial data set.
  2. To take the first development steps (coding and initial validation) for the modules dedicated to:
    1. Spontaneous Imbibition
    2. Relative permeability generation

Market analysis and business development objectives

  1. To perform an industrial demand analysis (IDA) for SCAL software tools.
  2. To use the IDA analysis as a feedback to the technical lead to increase the focus on areas of high industrial interest.
  3. To establish an intellectual assets management plan.
  4. To set a plan for business development in line with the IP strategy, while establishing relations for possible licensing opportunities or joint ventures.

Who are we?

From University of Stavanger, Department of Energy Resources and the Petrocenter NCS2030:

  • Associate professor Pål Østebø Andersen, he is involved in reservoir technology research. His main expertise includes modeling related to SCAL, new experimental designs, spontaneous imbibition, wettability, fractured reservoirs, and reactive multiphase flow. He has over 10 years research related to SCAL and is the developer of the innovation ideas in this project.
  • PhD fellow Jassem Abbasi, he works on machine learning based solutions for porous media flow problems including experimental setups. The work is combined with using domain specific knowledge to best determine effective and accurate solutions.

From Validé:

  • Dr. Iván Darío Piñerez Torrijos, business development manager, he is a business developer manager within Petroleum technology, he has been project manager of research-based studies in enhanced oil recovery (EOR), SCAL and geochemical studies. His contribution on this project will be on project management, IP strategy, market research as well as technical advice.
  • Lars Petter Eliassen, business development manager, will contribute to the business development related activities. He has extensive oil and gas software and technology experience from several start-up and scale-ups globally, including RigNet and Safran Software.


Associate Professor
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy Resources
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy Resources
Iván Darío Piñerez Torrijos
Lars Petter Eliassen