Full name of project: Building resilience through education for Sustainable, Collaborative and Smart Cities (RESICITIES)

In the European context it became strategically important to address and solve increasingly complex urban challenges through an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration across European borders. This is evidenced by various European funding mechanisms such as Smart Cities and Communities H2020.
In the context of highly dynamic urban environment faced by increasing effects of climate change and other external risk factors such as pandemic diseases outbreak (e.g. covid-19) the role of universities in the formation of citizens of the future with a holistic approach to urban problems become even more challenging.
Therefore, it becomes essential for European universities to gradually prepare their academic staff and students towards a challenge-based approach in education and towards a mission-oriented approach to research and innovation.
Project web page: Welcome to RESICITIES (cvut.cz)
The project has a primary and a secondary objective. The primary objective is to create and provide updated educational content for postgraduate students (students enrolled in master’s degree and doctoral degree programmes in the partner countries) related to resilient, smart, and sustainable cities by means of innovative teaching methods and tools.
The educational content will be provided through a blended learning mobility (BLM) that will consist of a sequence of intensive courses in the classroom environment with physical presence of teachers and students followed by online classes to be made available in modules in a Massive Open Online Course platform (MOOC) with the support of interactive and cloud computing tools.
The secondary objective of the project is oriented towards the assigned academic staff. It will consist in the fostering of excellence in teaching skills and educational content creation. In order to achieve this objective, the consortium will provide the assigned academic staff with innovative teaching methodologies and tools and provide training on how to use those methodologies and tools effectively in the physical and virtual classroom environments. The consortium will also foster cooperation with business enterprises of private and public sector.
- Consortium Partners: Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ), Porto Business School (PT), Autonomous University of Barcelona (ES), University Industry Network (NL), University of Stavanger.
- UiS researchers involved: Tegg Westbrook, Harald Nils Røstvik, Ari Tarigan, Fabio Hernández-Palacio, Ole Andreas Engen, Kenneth Arne Pettersen Gould, Odd Einar Falnes Olsen
- Project Duration: 36 months
- Funding: Erasmus+ programme.
- Total Budget: 337.660 EUR