SHARE is led by the University of Stavanger. NTNU Gjøvik and Oslo University Hospital are main partners.
University of Stavanger
Researchers at the Faculty of Health Sciences at UiS constitute the largest academic environment within quality and safety in the health sector in Norway. It is recognized through participation in public investigations and hearings, as well as international expert groups. It is an interdisciplinary environment that involves nursing, medicine, psychology, sociology, security and engineering.
NTNU Gjøvik
NTNU Gjøvik established a collaboration with UiS in 2014 on a separate research group in patient safety. The partnership with SHARE involves admission of research fellows at NTNU Gjøvik to the PhD program in Health and Medicine at UiS. In this way, joint expertise is built across the academic environments. The research group at NTNU specializes in human factors, teamwork and development of effective instruments and interventions.
Oslo University Hospital (OUS) section for acute and pre-hospital care
OUS, section for acute and pre-hospital care became partners in 2023. The collaboration will initially focus on pre-hospital patient safety and quality development in emergency medicine, data access, resources within analysis, as well as mentoring of researchers and a focus on establishing new projects.
The Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation (SNLA) was a partner in the centre from 2017 - 2022.
The center board consists of seven permanent members and five alternates. All partners are represented.
Board members
- Thor Ole Gulsrud (Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Stavanger)
- Anne-Lise Kristensen (external member Vestre Viken HF)
- Eli Sandagård-Hilmarsen(UiS)
- Ingrid Tjoflåt (UiS)
- Maren Kristine Raknes Sogstad (NTNU Gjøvik)
- Stephen Sollid (OUS)
- Nina Hjertvikrem (Observer)
Deputy representatives:
- Leiv Arne Rosseland (UiS)
- Petter Viksveen (UiS)
- Ove Njå (UiS)
- Kristian Odberg (NTNU Gjøvik)
- Pål Iden (UKOM)
SHARE has extensive collaboration with hospitals, Norwegian municipalities and international partners.

SHARE’s research activities involve extensive collaboration with hospitals, primary care services, municipalities, technology suppliers, regulatory authorities, and user/patient representatives and organisations.
Collaboration is established with a number of hospitals, including Stavanger University Hospital, Haukeland University Hospital, Oslo University Hospital, Akershus University Hospital and Førde Central Hospital. Several municipalities are also involved, including Stavanger, Randaberg, Songdalen and Førde. In addition, cooperation has been established with regional and national authorities, such as counties, the Directorate of Health, the Norwegian Health Authority, the Norwegian Patient Injury Compensation, as well as patient organizations such as the Norwegian Patient Association, the Senior Case and the Patient and User Ombudsman.
Our international partners are the foremost of interdisciplinary expertise in quality and safety related to the health sector, such as the Australian Institute of Healthcare Innovation (Australia), Bonn University Hospital (Germany), Center for Public Engagement (England), Erasmus University (The Netherlands), Kings College London (England) and University of Geneva (Switzerland).
Our international partners are the foremost of interdisciplinary expertise in quality and safety related to the health sector, such as the Australian Institute of Healthcare Innovation (Australia), Bonn University Hospital (Germany), Center for Public Engagement (England), Erasmus University (The Netherlands), Kings College London (England) and University of Geneva (Switzerland).