Micheal B. Oguntola has studied optimization and modelling of enhanced oil recovery injection strategies in his PhD project.

The aim of Oguntola's research has been increased total oil recovered, maximum economic benefit and minimal environmental impact. He has delivered a methodology to allow for mathematically well-founded quantifications of the values of EOR-methods such as polymer, smart water, and CO2. The implementation of this methodology will significantly improve prediction of EOR effects and thus improve decision making for the Norwegian Continental Shelf.
Micheal B. Oguntola's project has integrated previous research performed in The National IOR Centre of Norway. The PhD candidate focused on field scale modeling and simulation of EOR methods. Special focus was on developing optimal strategies for polymer, smart water, or CO2 injection using synthetic models and the Open Porous Media (OPM) framework. In addition, a detailed study on impact of discretization meth- ods for evaluation of EOR methods for oil fields was carried out.
Oguntola defended the thesis Efficient Optimization and Robust Value Quantification of Enhanced Oil Recovery Strategies. The defence was held Thursday 23 June 2022.