A Workshop at the UiS School of Business and Law, Department of Economics and Finance
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Workshop: Research on allocation of labour and capital and its consequences

Time: Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th of November, 2024
Venue: Sola Strand Hotel (External Site)
Day 1
- 10:00 Sophie Cottet: Salience Effects of a French Reduction in Labor Costs
- 11:00 Dora Simon: Greening Ricardo: Environmental Comparative Advantage and the Environmental Gains From Trade
- 12:00 Lunch
- 13:00 Gerhard Toews: Fuelling Autocracies
- 14:00 Torfinn Harding: Overview of projects in misallocation
- 15:00 Torfinn Harding: Overview of the Norwegian micro data
Day 2
- 09:00 Sophie Cottet/Fuchen Zhang/ Torfinn Harding: Presentation of results on misallocation project and new projects
- 11:00 Anders Akerman: Productivity effects of exchange rate movements
- 12:00 Lunch
- 13:00 Fuchen Zhang: Production function estimation with simultaneously factor-biased technical changes and misallocations
- 14:00: TBA