Light detection and ranging (lidar) research focus on the planning and collection of lidar data as well as the processing and interpreting of 3D outcrop models.
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LIDAR may be used to in a variety of ways from visualization of outcrops to collecting measurements from outcrop models to using processed models for climate change scenarios.
- Comparison studies of measurements collected from lidar models,mobile phone applications, and traditional compass.
- Roghi Mountain, Greece, in order to model and interpret the placement of active faulting.
- Identifying lithologic types by reflectance values and interpreting structures from outcrop models.
- A join-project with the Stavanger Maritime Museum focuses on the modeling of bird coastal habitats and the possible loss of those habitats from rising sea level.
- Mycenaean Gravesites. In 2017, a collaboration with the University of California-Berkeley began in order to collect data and create 3D models of archaeological sites in Greece. In 2018, a PhD was assigned to this project where the geology of the area will also be mapped and interpreted. This project will overlap with GIS research activities.