Fredrik Bjørheim, PhD candidate at the Faculty of Science and Technology, has investigated damage assessment and modeling of ageing structures.

On Thursday 22 September 2022, Fredrik Bjørheim, PhD candidate at the Faculty of Science and Technology defended his dissertation for the degree of PhD (philosophiae doctor) at the University of Stavanger.
About the thesis: The topics of damage assessment by in situ measurements before a macroscopic crack has been initiated, nonlinear damage modelling and additive manufacturing are herein discussed and researched from the perspective of the maintenance of ageing structures and mechanical equipment subjected to fatigue loading.
In relation to these topics, the thesis can be categorized into three parts, all of which are related to the maintenance of ageing structures and mechanical equipment. These are: 1) Fatigue damage monitoring prior to macroscopic crack initiation, 2) Damage modelling based on S-N curves, and 3) Mechanical properties of additively manufactured steel.
The thesis is published here: UiS Brage: Fatigue of Structural and Additively Manufactured Steels: Damage Assessment and Modelling Techniques (
Bjørheim will now continue his research as part of the Fatigue and Structural Integrity (FSIG-UiS) group at the Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science.
"We are delighted to welcome the new member Fredrik Bjørheim. After an excellent performance during the PhD defence, Fredrik is now a PhD holder. He is a promising researcher. We wish him a successful academic career," says Professor Dimitrios Pavlou.