Articles from the project. Use the DOI-link to read abstract.

Publications based on data from INTERACT
Mudhar, G. , Ertesvåg, S.K. & Pakarinen, E. (2023). Patterns of teachers’ self-efficacy and attitudes toward inclusive education associated with teacher emotional support, collective teacher efficacy, and collegial collaboration. European Journal of Special Needs Education.
Publications in INTERACT, based on data from earlier project
Pettersen,E.B., Ertesvåg, S.K., Pöysä, S., Vaaland,G.S. & Virtanen,T.E. (2023). Students’ situational engagement and its association with overall engagement: the application of the InSitu instrument in the context of a Norwegian lower secondary school. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.
Tvedt, M.S. & Bru, E. (2023). Completion of upper secondary education: Predictions of the psychosocial learning environment and academic achievement. Learning & Instruction.