The ROADMAP project has the overall objective to establish a European «doctrine on disaster risk and crisis management», funded on the mutual cooperation between scientific communities and disaster risk management authorities.
18 months
40 000 euro
To support civil protection and disaster risk management actors that promote and facilitate the development, dissemination and exchange of knowledge, good practices and expertise.

The ROADMAP project has the overall objective to establish a European “doctrine on disaster risk and crisis management”, funded on the mutual cooperation between scientific communities and disaster risk management authorities. This doctrine, that is intended as a shared understanding of disaster management between decision-makers and scientific actors, will be based on selected experiences, best practices and solutions already implemented in the EU Member and Participant States.
This will be achieved through two objectives:
- Objective 1: To support civil protection and disaster risk management actors that promote and facilitate the development, dissemination and exchange of knowledge, good practices and expertise
- Objective 2: To support new and consolidate existing partnerships in civil protection and disaster risk management that enhance cooperation and synergies in prevention, preparedness and response
Networking activities between the Project Consortium, that is composed by recognized research institutes, competence centres for disaster risks, Civil Protection authorities, and the Advisory Group, will result in the establishment of European think tank/observatory on disaster risk and crisis management best practices that represents a first step towards a Community of Practice in the forthcoming European Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network.
- WP1: Coordination and management
- WP2: Network activities
- WP3: Planning activities
- WP4: Dissemination and visibility activities
Bulletins and calls
In this section you will find news bulletins from the ROADMAP project. You will also find calls for experts from the research partners.
The ROADMAP project will aim at vitalizing a community of stakeholders within a European observatory on disaster risk and crisis management good practices.
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning