Special Core Analysis – Modeling, Experimental Design and Upscaling

Prediction of subsurface multiphase or single-phase flow processes is challenging, but important for oil and gas production, carbon storage and hydrogen storage and production.

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A key challenge is obtaining accurate parameterization of the models which relies on laboratory techniques: especially difficult is obtaining the multiphase flow functions relative permeability and capillary pressure. In the applied experimental setups, the data are generally affected by capillarity, advection, gravity, compressibility and chemical effects simultaneously, locally and to varying extent. However, standard interpretation of the obtained data tends to ignore most of the effects and focus on one or two dominant mechanisms.

This research has the following objectives:

  1. Improved understanding of the interplay between important multiphase flow mechanisms, how they affect saturation function estimates, storage and production potential, steady state measurements and test data as function of time
  2. How appropriate action can be taken to obtain accurate estimates of relative permeability and capillary pressure
  3. How to estimate storage and production potential of hydrocarbons, CO2 and hydrogen
  4. How to upscale lab observations
  5. Determination of reaction kinetics and their relation to wettability and compaction
  6. Suggesting and testing new experimental designs
  7. Shortening experimental test time and improving knowledge gained
  8. Determining time scales
  9. Determine correlations describing how test data behave as function of time
  10. Use analytical, numerical and machine learning techniques to interpret experiments and gain improved understanding of multiphase processes

Particular experimental setups being investigated include: core flooding, spontaneous imbibition, centrifuge, pressure depletion and others.

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Associate Professor
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy Resources
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy Resources