The University of Stavanger would like all students to have the same opportunities to go on an exchange semester abroad.

Do you have a physical disability, reading or writing difficulties or a persistent illness that require adaptations in a study situation? Do not let this stop you from going on a student exchange.
If you have special needs, it is important to inform UiS and the host institution about this at an early stage in the process so that we can try to facilitate your needs in the best possible way during your exchange. This is particularly important if you will be taking part in practical placement/ traineeship.
Our partner universities may request documentation. You should check with your medical doctor early in the process if they can provide documentation in English. In addition, it is important that you check if you can bring any prescribed medications or aids you require abroad if these are not available in the country to which you are travelling.
Please contact the International Office through the Exchange Guide in the Digital Student Service Desk and your student advisor if you are planning to go on an exchange.
Support options
Lånekassen (The Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund)
If you have a disability, you may be eligbible to apply for an additional grant from Lånekassen to cover extra expenses related to your exchange. Please note that support from Lånekassen is not available to all students from outside of Norway and that you must check whether you are eligible.
Sophies Minde Foundation
Sophies Minde Foundation offers a scholarship specifically for students with mobility disabilities pursuing bachelor's or master's studies. The scholarship can also be awarded in connection with exchange stays. The purpose of the scholarship is to encourage more students with disabilities to pursue higher education and to facilitate the completion of their studies.
Support options for students going on exchange through Erasmus+
Learn more about accessibility for students on Erasmus+ exchanges.