At Campus Bjergsted, you need your own key tag to get around inside the buildings.

Electronic key system
The Faculty of Performing Arts consists of several buildings in Bjergsted campus; the main building, building nr. 2 (new dance halls), as well as block 5, 6, 7 and 8. Access to the buildings is regulated by an electronic key system. At the start of studies, new students has to apply for a studentcard in Studentweb. When you recieve the student card you have to go to the administration at Campus Bjergsted to get it activated for the doors here.
The student crd is personal and must not be passed on to others. Violation of this rule may result in confiscation of the student card.
For students who already have a blue chip:
Upon completion of studies, an electronically completed reimbursement form together with keys and chip must be submitted to the expedition. Only then will the deposit be refunded. Refund form can be found here. The key and chip has to be handed in before 1st of July if you are finished with studies at the Faculty of Performing Arts. Remember to clean out your locker and bring your padlock with you.
The form has to be filled in with name, address, ordering code (UK-ADM), bank account and the amount required to be refunded. This form is also used for travel expenses, remember to attach boardingcard and receipts from expenses
Opening hours campus Bjergsted
With the student card, you have access to the buildings from 07.00 - 23.00 every day. There will be an alarm if you stay in the building before and after this time. If the alarm is triggered, the security company will issue an invoice with a fee of 2100, - (per 2017). The person who triggered the alarm is responsible for the invoice being paid.
The entrance doors in the main building will be open from 08.00 - 15.30 on weekdays. In July and early August, the entrance doors are closed and you have to use your student card to get in.
Opening hours administration
The administration in the main building is open for students Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10.00 - 14.00, closed for lunch between 11.30 - 12.30. The administration is also closed during the Christmas holidays, Easter holidays, and joint holidays.
Outside opening hours, you can contact us by email: