The professional role, self-reflection, and conflict management (MSO255)

Social work and child welfare work entails the management of weighty ethical dilemmas, and a great deal of responsibility for assessments and decisions that have major consequences for people in vulnerable situations. This course focuses on organisational frameworks, understanding of roles and personal relationship skills. The course deals with the smooth transition between role and person, and between professional skills and personal skills, seen in the context of organisational conditions. The purpose is to provide students with knowledge about theories and research on emotional work, ethical dilemmas and coping strategies that can be used in professional relationship work.

Course description for study year 2024-2025


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



The aim of the course is for students to be able to apply theoretical perspectives and methods so they can reflect on their own role and skills, seen in the context of organisational frameworks and in an independent manner. The course will contain both theoretical and practical approaches, with the aim of raising awareness and developing organisational understanding, personal skills, and skills regarding demanding relational work.

Learning outcome


  • Has knowledge about the relationship between the platform of knowledge in social work and social pedagogy, and the professional role within the subject area.
  • Has knowledge about the relationship between professional role, organisation, emotions and ethics.
  • Has knowledge about emotional strain and coping strategies in child welfare and social work.
  • Has knowledge about conflicts and strategies for conflict management in professional work.
  • Has knowledge about health, safety and the environment in child welfare work.


  • Can apply theories in the analysis of their own professional practice, both with regard to the platform of knowledge and theories on self-reflection, emotional work and conflict management.
  • Can reflect critically on their own practice, both with regard to their own relational skills and emotional strain.
  • Can reflect critically on emotional factors in relational work and identify relevant coping strategies.
  • Can reflect on their own and others’ role in relation to criticism and conflicts, and identify relevant strategies for conflict management.
  • Can analyse and reflect on the relationship between organisation and work situation, with regard to health, safety and the environment.

General competence:

  • Has advanced understanding of the relationship between professional practice, emotional processes and relational work.
  • Has advanced understanding of the relationship between the working environment, emotional strain and organisational frameworks for child welfare work.
  • Has increased competence in relation to the understanding of roles and conflict management.
  • Has competence to analyse connections in challenging relationships in child welfare and social work.

Required prerequisite knowledge



Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Folder 1/1 Letter grades

Portfolio examination consisting of two written assignments. The assignments are presented and discussed in the seminars before the portfolio is submitted. The criteria and format for the various parts of the examination are specified in more detail by the course coordinator on Canvas.Consequences of failing the examination: If students do not pass the examination, they must re-sit the course examination with the subsequent year group. Any examination parts and compulsory coursework that have already been passed do not need to be retaken. Students must take the examination in accordance with any new and revised course description for the course.

Coursework requirements

75% mandatory presence on specific lectures

75% compulsory attendance in defined parts of the teaching

This compulsory activity must be approved in order for students to take the examination. Approval/non-approval of compulsory activities is announced on Studentweb, normally no later than 7 days before the examination. Students who lack approval will be withdrawn from the examination.

75% compulsory attendance in defined parts of the teaching: See announcement on Canvas.

Course teacher(s)

Study Program Director:

Brita Gjerstad

Study Program Director:

Brita Gjerstad

Course coordinator:

Elisabeth Enoksen

Method of work

Lectures, seminars, group work, presentations and individual assignments.

Open for

Master’s degree programme in Social Studies.

Individual course. Open to students with a Bachelor’s degree in child welfare, social work, social education or other relevant education.


The syllabus can be found in Leganto