Learn about the different health matters that may be relevant during your stay in Stavanger.
Emergency: Call 113 for the ambulance.
Not life-threatening, but still urgent: Call 116 117 for the emergency clinic (legevakten).
Less urgent: Contact your GP (fastlege).
Health insurance and the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme
Depending on how long you stay in Norway, students can be automatically covered by the National Insurance Scheme.

Additional Insurance
It is the student's own responsibility to make insurance arrangements for any accident, illness, injury, loss or damage to persons or property that might occur during the study period in Norway. We urge all students to insure their household contents during their stay in Norway. Theft and burglary in student dormitories may occur.
Your Doctor in Stavanger
Students who have received a Norwegian ID number (fødselsnummer) are entitled to have a GP (general practitioner, or "fastlege" in Norwegian) in Stavanger.

Once you receive your Norwegian ID number, you are given an appointed GP in Stavanger. You can find the information about your GP on Min Helse.
For more information about heath care in Norway please visit helsenorge.no
We recommend you to find out who is your GP as soon as you receive your Norwegian ID number so that in case of sickness you can see a doctor.
It is also possible to change to a different GP on Min Helse. You may change your GP twice a year and the change will take effect from the first day of the following month.
SiS Health and Dental care
Dental care in Norway is expensive but students can get parts of the costs refunded by SiS. SiS also offers other health services on campus.

SiS Heatlh (SiS Helse) provides psychologist service, consultation with school nurse and financial support for medical and dental expenses. For more information, please visit the SiS website.
The dental system in Norway is made up of private and public dentists. The government sets the cost of treatment by public dentists and a price list is available from each dental office. Dentists in private practice set their own prices.
In general, dental treatment in Norway is expensive. It is recommended to have a dental check at home before you travel to Norway.
Tuberculosis test
Every person who is from a high endemic country/area of tuberculosis, must take a test for tuberculosis when entering Norway.

According to Norwegian law this test is mandatory for every person from a high endemic country/area and every person who has stayed in those countries/areas for more than 3 months and who is planning to work/study in child/health care in Norway. If you do not take the test, you can be denied starting your work/studies in Norway. You should take the test within four weeks after arrival to Norway.
The tuberculosis test is free of charge.
Tuberculosis is a serious infectious disease and is a worldwide problem. Tuberculosis is spread through air from persons with tuberculosis in their lungs.
See the list of countries with high and very high occurrence.
Please find more information regarding tuberculosis and testing (pdf).
Positive results
A positive result will not influence your stay in Norway. If your test turns out positive, you will be offered further controls and treatment if necessary. All eventualities regarding further testing, controls and treatment of tuberculosis is also free of charge.
Appointments and contact information
NB! Students arriving in August will be invited for an information meeting in September, so there is no need to make a personal appointment.
For any inquiries related to testing, please contact the Office of Infection Control (Smittevernkontoret) in Stavanger.
- Email: smittevernkontoret@stavanger.kommune.no
- Visiting address: Smittevernkontoret, Torgveien 15 C, 4016 Stavanger
- Phone: 5191 3339
Please provide the following information in your email:
- Name:
- Date of birth:
- Country (where you are arriving from):
- Address in Norway:
- Telephone number in Norway (only if you have a Norwegian telephone number already).
Additional needs
Do you have a disability, an ailment or an injury or, for different reasons, feel the need for special adjustments?