Shalini Premachandran Frøiland has worked as a journalist and a bureaucrat. When she decided to get back to academia she was excited to start the master's program Digitial societies and societal transformations.

Name and age: Shalini Premachandran Frøiland, 47 år
Home place: I am from India, but have lived in Norway since 1999
Degree: Master's program in Digital Societies and Societal Transformations
Previous degrees: English language and literature BA, Journalism MA, Media studies MA
Why did you choose Digital Societies and Societal Transformations?
- It has been 24 years since I was a student, and I really wanted to get back to academia. I want to be able to go for a PhD, so I needed an academic update.
The topics the master’s program covers are interesting. I knew I needed to get another degree, and I was really pleased to be able to find a program that combines media and communication, sociology, political science, and technology. This is the kind of degree you would normally find abroad. I also knew of the professors and knew that they were very competent and good teachers. I had a good impression before I started, and I still have that.
What has been the most interesting part of the program thus far?
- I am a huge fan of innovative learning techniques and the course where we made podcasts was interesting. My group ChatGPT, and had to write a script, apply everything to the theories we have read about and then make the podcast. It was very fun, and we learned a lot. I don’t think I will forget that any time soon.
What do you want to do when you finish your degree?
- I work as a research advisor at the faculty of health, and I am already involved in projects related to digitization of health. I would like to continue with this work, and this master’s program is perfect for that. Especially with AI coming along in a big way within health, it would be relevant for me to look at those connections in health. For example to look into how we can use technologies to create more sustainable health care services.
Is there anything in particular from the program you can take with you into working life?
- Everything to be honest! Especially understanding theory, and being able to clearly see how it is applied in real life. We see how technology is used, and how it changes society.
Do you have any advice for those who are considering to apply for Digital Societies and Societal Transformations?
- Go for it. I am working full time and studying alongside work. It is important that you enjoy the subjects because it is a lot of reading, and you do have to prepare but it is incredibly worthwhile. The professors are some of the best professors I have had, they are really good teachers who care about the students.