Music Production and Recording - Graduate studies
Study programme description for study year 2024-2025
Credits (ECTS)
Studyprogram code
Further education, lower degree level
Leads to degree
2 Semesters
Language of instruction
English, Norsk
Intended participants:
The programme is aimed at musicians, audio engineers, and music educators with a variety of backgrounds and experiences, as well as younger, experienced music recordists. The programme accepts applications from exchange students from other universities, as well as those seeking an alternative professional practice. With graduates from over 50 countries, the programme is known internationally. All instruction is given in English, and therefore English proficiency is required. The programme typically admits 10 qualified students.
Program requirements:
Music production and recording is a fulltime program. Due to the program's practical orientation, students are required to attend all lectures, workshops, and master classes. Students are required to participate in group and individual music production and recording activities to fulfil their final portfolio. Students are expected to work independently and document their practical work.
Instruction and facilities:
The program is organized with individual advising, small group instruction, classroom lectures, study tours, practical exercises, and independent study. Lectures are given in English with Norwegian used for individual instruction as needed. Instruction is given throughout the school year with the first semester focusing on studio orientation/operations and the second semester concentrating on practical applications and projects.
During the study, students gain experience with the best practices for working with different music genres and music productions styles. Students also visit a variety of professional facilities and are encouraged to attend local, national, and international conferences, as well as workshops and master classes during their time in the programme.
All music production and recording students have generous amounts of time using the department's studios, performance spaces, and recording equipment. Students are required to record department sponsored concerts and participate in other recordings and productions.
Performance venues for practical work are diverse, and the faculty has well-established collaborations with partners such as the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra, Folken (a student concert venue), Stavanger Jazz Forum, Siddis Brass (a national brass band competition), the Norwegian Organ Festival, Fiskepiren (a new concert scene) and others.
The program consists of two main subjects: Music Production and Recording I (30 sp) and Music Production and Recording Recording II (30 sp). Participation in all programme activities is required of all students.
Students work will be continually evaluated and are required to present an individual project and deliver a recording portfolio at the end of each semester.
Learning outcomes
Upon completing the Music Production and Recording program, a candidate can demonstrate the following total learning outcomes defined by knowledge, skills and general competence:
The candidate
- has advanced knowledge within music production and specialized insight into studio and concert recording of acoustic music performance.
- has in-depth knowledge of audio technology and recording methods for different music genres.
- can apply knowledge to emerging areas within music production and recording techniques.
- can analyze academic issues based on music production, recording history and professional traditions.
The candidate
- can critically analyze various technical and artistic resources within a professional context.
- can use existing theories, methods and interpretations within music production and work independently with practical troubleshooting and theoretical problem-solving.
- can carry out independent music production research and development in accordance with current practices and ethical norms.
General competence
The candidate
- can analyze relevant professional, ethical, and legal issues within music production.
- can apply their music production knowledge and skills in new areas and contribute to innovative techniques within music production and recording.
- can communicate professional issues and challenges within music production, both with specialists and with the general public.
Career prospects
This study will enhance participants' abilities to work professionally with music production and recording. Graduates are working in a wide variety of professional, audio-related careers.
Course assessment
The programme is quality assured through UiS's quality system, in accordance with criteria and guidelines from NOKUT.
Study plan and courses
Enrolment year: 2024
Obligatoriske emner
MPR503: Music Production and Recording I
Year 1, semester 1
MPR504: Music Production and Recording II
Year 1, semester 2