Carbon Capture and Storage E-GEO510

This course introduces the concepts and challenges associated with the implementation of CO2 Storage in geological porous media (depleted gas fields and saline aquifers). The focus is on key aspects of CO2 storage (storage capacity, injectivity, trapping mechanisms and containment), , storage site selection , well planning and integrity , monitoring regulations and CO2 utilization.

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Method of Work


Course start

September 2024

Application Deadline



9500 NOK+ semester fee+ literature

In this course you will learn about the key aspects, components, technologies and designs involved in the implementation of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology

Foreleser Raoof Gholami



Climate change and the increasing release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere have led to many discussions about possible solutions for phasing out fossil fuels, which are currently the main source of energy. Although several alternatives such as geothermal, wind and solar energy have been proposed, their dependence on geological locations and intermittency has raised many challenges for meeting energy demands. This has led to the development of a mixed energy society where carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology can be deployed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enable the use of low-carbon fossil fuels such as gas to fulfil energy needs. This course explores the details of CO2 storage as one of the major components of CCS technology and provides an in depth understanding of the key aspects, components, technologies, and designs required to fully implement geological storage in different regions.

  • Different Aspects and Components of CO2 Storage
  • Environmental and technological challenges of CO2 Storage
  • Critical role of subsurface to achieve a carbon neutral society.
  • The importance of Site Selection and CharacterizationMethod of work
  • Online lectures
  • Project report (15.12)
  • Grading: A-F

Admission requirements

Bachelor’s degree 180 ECTS

Required prerequisite knowledge


Recomended prerequisites

  • Basic knowledge of mathematics and physics
  • Basic knowledge of Python programming

Admission requirements for foreign education

  • Applicants with a foreign education  must document this by uploading a verified approval of your higher education by NOKUT (NOKUT approval).
  • Applicants with a foreign education must also document education and English skills in accordance with NOKUT's regulations. Read more about the English language requirements here: English Language Requirements for International Applicants: If you do not meet the English requirements, but you are working in an English speaking work environment, you can upload a CV + a certificate from your workplace that states this, as this may substitute the requirement.

The course will be set up as long as there is a sufficient amount of applicants


Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy Resources

Contact persons

Executive Officer
Division of Education
UiS Lifelong Learning
Senior Adviser
Division of Education
UiS Lifelong Learning