– I have been in Norway and Stavanger before, and I thought that it would be a great place to study because the city and the nature around it has so much to offer.

Name and study programme?
Hi there! I am Marie-Luise Winter, and I am studying Environmental Engineering (MSc).
What do you like to do in your free time?
Most of my free time you will find me climbing with my partner and friends, but I also love being in nature and going hiking with my two dogs. I also enjoy checking out the mountain cabins in the area or just hanging out with friends.
Why did you choose to study Master of Science in Environmental Engineering?
Well, in my bachelor’s I mainly focused on biology and math courses. After that I wanted to continue learning and to gain more practical and industry applicable skills in these fields. Environmental engineering just clicked for me because it brings together different scientific fields aiming to tackle large global and environmental challenges like pollution and water scarcity. Finally, I was convinced that this master’s would set me up with the knowledge and skills to be a suitable candidate for jobs dealing with these problems and working on sustainable solutions.
Why did you choose Stavanger and UiS?
I have been in Norway and Stavanger before, and I thought that it would be a great place to study because the city and the nature around it has so much to offer. Next to climbing and hiking you can go swimming, surfing, skiing and much more. Stavanger is not a massive city, but you can find everything that you need and there is enough night life going on and things to do during the weekends. I looked into the programmes offered at UiS and was really quite lucky to find a master’s degree that matched what I was looking for.
How does a typical day at UiS look for you?
Usually, I start my day with a coffee fix at the Bokkaféen in the faculty, head to my lectures and then study in the libraries’ Data Lab (a really unique, cozy and creative study area). And right next to the Faculty of Science and Technology there is a nice boulder/climbing area in the SiS sport centre - a perfect space to have a study break.
Do you have any memories from your time here until now?
Absolutely! One cool experience was during our water chemistry course. We hiked out to the Grautheller DNT cabin in the mountains for 3 days and analysed water samples. Another highlight was in the natural water systems class as we went out on various lakes with boots and compared waters from different lakes in the Stavanger area which was a great opportunity to get to know the area better and to change up the learning environment a bit!
Do you have any advice for future students?
Definitely! I would recommend downloading the app of the student society SiS and join KIS when you get here! They throw some awesome events from parties to free waffle-days. It’s a great way to get to know your peers and hang out with friends.