We offer Norwegian language courses and social science course for adults with a background of higher education. Our courses are intensive and have a fast progression. Spring courses will be open for registration in mid October, starting end of January. Fall courses will be open for registration in mid april, starting end of August. Please read all the information below, to the course you want to apply!
A1 - A2 - B1 - B2
Spring 2025
05.01.2025 Registration deadline and cancellation deadline are the same!
NOK 8.500,- per Norwegian course NOK 7500,- 75 hrs Social science course
It is important to get quickly started, because speaking and understanding Norwegian is crucial for participating in society "»
The courses focus on developing your language skills in writing, reading, listening and speaking in Norwegian, while at the same time giving you a deeper understanding of Norwegian culture.
An enrollment of at least 15 participants is needed to run the course.
Registration is binding. The cancellation deadline is the same as the registration deadline.
University of Stavanger is an approved provider of Norwegian courses from the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills.
A1 Norwegian course for foreigners with higher education
The course aims to improve your skills in writing, listening, speaking and reading Norwegian. The course also gives an aspect of the Norwegian culture. The teaching methods are communicative and require active participation. Some homework will be expected. The syllabus follows the standardized objectives of the European Framework of language level A1.

Please read all the information below.
Changes may occur.
A2 Norwegian course for foreigners with higher education
The course aims to improve your skills in writing, listening, speaking and reading Norwegian. The course also gives an aspect of the Norwegian culture. The teaching methods are communicative and require active participation. Some homework will be expected. The syllabus follows the standardized objectives of the European Framework of language level A2.

Please read all the information below.
Inquiries regarding information that is already stated on the website, is expected to have a longer response time. note that changes may occur.
B1 Norwegian course for foreigners with higher education
The course aims to improve your skills in writing, listening, speaking and reading Norwegian. The course also gives an aspect of the Norwegian culture. The teaching methods are communicative and require active participation. Some homework must be expected. The syllabus follows the standardized objectives of the European Framework of Language level B1.

Please read all the information below.
Changes may occur.
Inquiries regarding information that is already stated on the website, is expected to have a longer response time.
B2 Norskkurs for utlendinger med høyere utdanning
Kurset tar sikte på å forbedre dine ferdigheter i å skrive, lytte, snakke og lese norsk. Kurset inneholder kunnskap om norsk kultur. Undervisningsmetodene er kommunikative og krever aktiv deltakelse på kurset. Noen lekser må påregnes.

The B2 Norwegian course is for students who has completed level B1, and should be able to read Norwegian. Therefore, the information about B2 is in Norwegian.
Vennligst les all informasjon om kurset
Med forbehold om endringer.
75 hrs Social science
Our course is an introduction to the Norwegian society. The teaching methods are communicative, and students will be challenged to use the new knowledge actively. The syllabus follows the standardized objectives of the European Framework of language, and the curricula follows the national “Læreplan i norsk og samfunnskunnskap for voksne innvandrere.”

The topics that will be discussed are divided into three modules
- Education, skills and the labour market
- School and education
- Working life
- Critical thinking and digital judgement - Family, health and daily life
- New in Norway
- Families
- Leisure activities
- Health
- Personal finances
- The right to a free and independent life - Norway before and now
- This is Norway
- History
- Human rights and democracy
- Sustainability
The University of Stavanger is an approved provider of Norwegian lessons and “samfunnskunnskap” as part of the hours needed for appliance for residency permit.
Please read all the information below.
Changes may occur.
Inquiries regarding information that is already stated on the website, is expected to have a longer response time.