An intensive 1-year course in Norwegian Language and Culture aims to give students the Norwegian language proficiency required to enter Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes taught in Norwegian at the University of Stavanger.
1 year/2 semesters
50 divided between level 2 and 3 and level 3 and 4.
August every year

The course is meant for students who have a basic knowledge of Norwegian and will therefore require minimum A2 or equivalent level of Norwegian.
Upon successful completion of the course and passed final exam, students meet the Norwegian language requirement demanded by the Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service (NUCAS) to be admitted to Norwegian universities and colleges.
Please note that the attendance at all the classes is obligatory. You cannot combine this study programme with full-time work/study.
Financial Support
Students of the Norwegian Language and Culture programme are not eligible for financial support from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen).
Target group
The following applicants will be prioritised in accordance with UU Sak 30/18 approved by the Education Committee on 19 September 2018:
- Applicants residing in Norway without any higher education beyond basic academic requirements mentioned in the GSU-list.
- Applicants residing in Norway without academic education equivalent to a Master's degree in Norway. (N.B. Students currently enrolled in a master degree programme will be placed under group 4.)
- Applicants from outside Norway without higher education beyond basic academic requirements mentioned in the GSU-list.
- Applicants residing in Norway with higher education equivalent to a Master's degree in Norway.
- Applicants from outside Norway with higher academic education.
Admission requirements
Applicants must have general entrance qualifications from their home countries and satisfy requirements for English language proficiency in accordance with the guidelines stipulated by NOKUT (the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education).
Requirements for Norwegian language proficiency: A2
Application and admission
Open for applications between 1 February and 1 March. Apply through Søknadsweb.
Questions regarding applications can be send to
Frequently asked questions
Here you'll find answers to some of the most common questions we get about the Norwegian Language and Culture programme.
How many teaching hours are there per week?
The course has about 12 teaching hours a week plus compulsory working groups.
Is teaching during the day or in the evening?
The classes are mainly taught during day-time.
Can the course be combined with other studies or work?
We would not reccommend that. The course is very labor-intensive and requires great personal effort.
Can you apply for the program directly from abroad? Which language tests are approved?
Yes, you can apply with language tests conducted abroad that document both written and oral knowledge at the level required for admission to the two different subjects.

The Department of Cultural Studies and Languages
The Norwegian Language and Culture programme (NORINT) is located at the Department of Cultural Studies and Languages. It consists of highly competent teachers with extensive experience in teaching Norwegian as a second language to adults.
In addition to teaching at NORINT, some of the teachers work with the teachers programmes, educating teacher students in foreign languages , while also giving a master's degree level course, «Norwegian as a second language».
Most of the NORINT-teachers are also active researchers in their respective areas, and participating in a large project at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, concerned with developing good teaching programs in teacher education, to give teacher students tools and knowledge to work against racism and discrimination.