"On a forum online I saw someone discussing a similar topic suggesting going to Stavanger. I applied and the UiS accepted" says Tristan Josphus Claude Tanghe.
Name and study programme?
My name is Tristan Josephus Claude Tanghe. I am studying Master of Science in Biological Chemistry

Why did you choose to study Master of Science in Biological Chemistry?
When I was in High School, I chose to study chemistry and biology, leading me to choose a local university to get my bachelors in chemistry. When I was studying chemistry however, I found out that I was more interested in the biology part than the chemistry part even though I loved the labwork. After my bachelors I knew I wanted to obtain a PhD but wanted to do what I liked at the same time, leading me to choose biological chemistry as my masters program.
Why did you choose Stavanger and UiS?
I looked online for courses that focused on biology mixed with chemistry and labwork. I looked at all top universities around the world: Paris, Berlin, Harvard. I applied to all I could.
Online on a forum I saw someone discussing a similar topic suggesting going to Stavanger. I applied and the UiS accepted.
Why did you choose your specialization?
I chose my specialization because I much prefer the biological side to the chemistry/analytical side, making this specialisation an obvious choice for me.
How does a typical day at UiS look for you?
I get up relatively early, even when I don't have classes at 8:15 AM. Usually I work a little, whether it be on a personal project or an assignment from class, then classes start and I attend. After class I usually go home and have a late lunch or eat something at the school cafeteria before I either meet friends for coffee, study some more, or go for a walk if I can't focus.
At the end of the day I go home, maybe go past the grocery store, and make dinner. After dinner I should go to the gym, but most likely end up doing something fun
Do you have any memories from your time here til now?
I have many good memories with friends here at the UiS, ranging from playing games at the board game club, to dancing at in the city centre, to attending a pub quiz. I'd say those are some of my best memories until now.
Do you have any advice for future students?
I have three advices for future students:
- If you are not used to the cold, be prepared to have a vest or something with you to put on when studying or the like.
- .Bring a large thermos cup, the black coffee at the cafe at the school is relatively cheap if you don't have your own means of making coffee or tea.
- Learn some Norwegian beforehand, it can easily be done using Duolingo and it helps immensely.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I chose to do more classes than necessary, so I don't have too much, but I prefer either relaxing in my room, playing games at the board game club, or joining one of the other tons of activities happening around the school and Stavanger!
Do you know what you are going to do after you are done with your degree?
As for what I'm going to do after, I want to do a PhD. If it is in Stavanger all the better, but I am willing to go anywhere for it.