Professor Dimitrios G. Pavlou was recently awarded the prestigious Hojjat Adeli Award for Innovation in Computing.

Dimitrios Pavlou is Professor of Solid Mechanics at University of Stavanger, and elected Academician of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences. He has been awarded the Hojjat Adeli Award for Innovation in Computing for his contributions in the field of Fracture Mechanics and Structural Health Monitoring.
At the early stage of his career, he focused on the solution of Boundary Integral Equations of cracked dissimilar elastic media providing fundamental solutions for Mesh Reduction Methods in Boundary Elements. In 2015 he achieved for the first time the analytical solution of the dual integral equations describing the dynamic response of an elastic medium containing crack under transient loading conditions. Before his achievement, the above problem had only been solved numerically after transformation of the original dual integral equations into a Fredholm integral equation of second kind. Apart from crack problems, Pavlou has provided fundamental solutions for anisotropic axisymmetric shells (pipelines) under transient loads by accounting the hydrodynamic and material damping effects.
In the last years, his research efforts are oriented towards to improving the structural safety of engineering structures, especially oil rigs and offshore wind turbines. In 2016 he got a patent for developing the first fatigue meter for engineering structures, and in 2018 he published the theoretical tool of his patent, the theory of the S-N fatigue damage envelope that is a generalization of linear, double-linear, and non-linear fatigue damage models.
In 2022 the theory of the S-N fatigue damage envelope was expanded to be applicable to structures under service loading spectra. The derived deterministic algorithm for nonlinear, fatigue-based structural health monitoring, employs two new techniques: a) multilinear damage summation algorithm that simulates the nonlinear nature of fatigue damage accumulation, and b) new cycle-counting method for real-time transformation of a spectrum loading. This work has won the prestigious 2022 Hojjat Adeli award for innovation in computing.