She joins the existing team of nurses who have developed and are testing the nurse assisted digital application that aims to support people with heart failure and colorectal cancer following a hospital admission.

She completed her bachelor's degree in nursing in 2014 followed by a master's degree in intensive care nursing in 2019. She has worked as a nurse on the medical intensive monitoring floor (MIO) and ICU and post operative floor (2M) at Stavanger University Hospital for over 8 years.
Her role in the project focuses on the experiences of people with heart failure and the digital application the team has developed in partnership with Dignio. She will be exploring if using the nurse assisted digital application alters people's ability to manage their heart failure as well as tasks the doctors and nurses assign as a part of their self-care.
As a nurse she watched when people with heart failure who were in hospital became worried when it was time to go home. They told her how they were concerned about managing their self-care related to their heart failure at home with limited support. Many people will not have a scheduled contact with their GP’s and the waiting lists for the specialist heart failure clinic is long. This can mean that people with heart failure can wait many weeks before they are able access to the help and support from healthcare professionals. As a nurse she watched how this often means these people ended up re-admitted to hospitals.
When she saw that there was an opportunity to research and explore the use of digital applications to help people with heart failure with their self-care, she said “I just had to apply!”
In her PhD she aims to improve knowledge around self-care in heart failure. The goal of her PhD-project is to explore the importance of patient self-care after hospitalization. As well as describe the impact of digital applications on self-care for people with heart failure. As her PhD project advances, we will share what her research discovers as well as how Signe develops as a nurse researcher.
“I hope my research will help patients with heart failure to maintain illness stability and manage their self-care better. Who knows, maybe it might even help limit the repeat hospitalisation's.”
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Department of Public Health