University of Paderborn
Enjoy the charm of Paderborn for one semester. You will study close to major European cities such as Brussel and Amsterdam, with the possibility of many indoor and outdoor activities in a friendly and green enviroment.

Information about the university
Paderborn is dynamic city of 150 000 inhabitants located between Dortmund and Hannover in Germany. The University of Paderborn has approximately 20,000 students, of which 10% are international students and offers a wide variety of subjects. You can choose activities and events that interest you from the 5 available faculties.
Paderborn is surrounded by a charming countryside and is a lively cultural center with theatres and cinemas, concerts from classical to jazz, a vibrant arts scene, museums - including the word’s largest computer museum - art galleries, and a wide variety of sports and recreational activities.
Paderborn's favourable geographical location in the heart of Germany is an ideal starting point for discovering the country and its people. Well-known and popular destinations such as Cologne, Berlin and Munich can be reached easily.
UiS has an Erasmus + agreement with University of Paderborn within Mathematics and Physics.
Language of instruction
Language requirements
English and/or German proficiency recommended at minimum B1 level (read intermediate = 3 in English from “vgs” for Norwegian students). Please refer to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages for further information.
Students who do not meet the language requirements will be offered online language courses prior the exchange period.
University of Paderborn offers a 4 weeks intensive language course in German to exchange students, free of charge, before the start of the semester.
Language course
An intensive language course in German is offered one month before the beginning of the semester, Crash Course which can be credited with 5 ECTS . The university also offers a 8 ECTS Credit Points course in German during the semester
GPA requirements
Total number of exchange places
Tuition fee
Erasmus+-grant in combination with loan and grand from Lånekassen for eligible students.
Academic year
Autumn semester: October – late February
Spring semester: April – mid-July
If the exchange semester ends later than the following semester starts at UiS, the institute / faculty (in collaboration with the partner institution) can assist you so you are not delayed in your studies.There are various possibilities for facilitation: You might take courses that do not require you to be present during the examination period, you might be exempted from compulsory teaching at UiS or you might get an extended deadline for submission of bachelor's and master's theses. Contact your study coordinator at the department for more information.
How to find subjects
Credits abroad
Housing options. The Studierendenwerk (student services) will help you find accommodation in Paderborn.