Virtual tours and professional conversations in the field

For practical reasons, it is impossible to bring groups of students into relevant workplaces at the moment. Therefore, the Norwegian Hotel Academy has started with virtual tours and professional discussions in the field to give students an insight into future career opportunities.

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A virtual tour at the Stavanger Airport Sola

The aim of the video is to give students a first-hand insight into the professions that work at the airport, where the individuals themselves tell about their work tasks and their average working day. The virtual tour of Stavanger Airport Sola has been well received by the students and will soon be published here. The video is intended used in a digital teaching context, with a screening first and then a digital meeting with the employees at the airport afterwards for questions.

From left: the academic responsible, Åsa Grahn from NHS, Airport Director Anette Sigmundstad, Marie Christine Lundberg from NHS and video photographer Kåre Spanne from NETTOP-UIS.

An interview with a hotel director and his employees who works in a downtown hotel in Stavanger

Annie Haver, the head of strategic hotel management at the NHS, interviews the director and at Clarion Hotel in Stavanger