Is it a group or a singular person who has made a special effort to make your everyday study life better? Then you should nominate them to The Education and Learning Environment Award 2024!
The objective of the Education and Learning Environment Award is to acknowledge environments and singular persons at the University of Stavanger who have succeeded in the facilitation of the academic learning of students through professional, academic and pedagogical endeavor.
The purpose
The purpose of the award is to recognise efforts in creating stimulating education quality and learning environments, as well as endeavor to inspire to systematic and competent quality development of study programmes. Special efforts in the facilitation of the physical and psycho-social learning environment at the university, can be awarded, as well as innovative academic development of study programmes.

Singular employees, departments, entire study programmes, courses of study, groups of colleagues, administrative units as well as other units responsible for carrying out teaching programmes, can be awarded. The measure that receives the award, must be accomplished as a result of cooperation between students, academics, administrative staff, or possibly other entities.
All students and employees may nominate candidates by 3 May 2024.
Please nominate your candidate now!
The prize is NOK 50,000 and a diploma, which will be awarded at the Annual Celebration in October 2024.