This WP deals with dissemination of results and transfer knowledge to other sectors via collaboration with national virtual RRI centre. It facilitates learning across international and national research partners, stakeholder groups of this project and with other communities of RRI and CSR researchers, businesses and policymakers.

In order to ensure the transferability of knowledge, we suggest a series of three two-day workshops at each “reflective” stage of our three WP. These workshops will be open for partners and their stakeholders in the national virtual RRI centre.
In addition to taking over the main leadership of the project, Elin will see through activities in WP4. She will be assisted by the PhD – candidates.

All project partners are asked to contribute in the dissimination.
These are the main activities in this WP
- Developing, updating and maintaining Website.
- Be the contact person for AFINO . This is the networked that was sponsored to coordinate four projects that got funded to study RRI and CSR within certain contexts. It also includes other important working packages to promote responsible innovation on national level.
- Book project