Se oversikten over studieprogram og emner relatert til Future Energy Hub.
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Studieprogram og emner
Etter- og videreutdanningskurs
- Turning Commercial Roofs into Solar Power Systems: An Analysis of Solar Energy Potential For Shopping Malls In Pakistan – Muhammad Ali Kaifi (PhD thesis)
- Technical Innovation Modeling of Energy System: A Simulation Approach of Building Cluster in Stavanger kommune, Ghassini, Lovita
- Decentral Energy production and integration in the Stavanger region - A techno-economic case study of Stavangerregionen Havns and Risavikas solar production potential and its contribution to the local energy challenges within the Elnett21 project, Rouven Uzelmaier
- Hywind Tampen, project NPV calculation with and without subsidies, Tveiten, Åsmund Sandvik; Tangerås, Bjørn-Tore
- Forretningsmulighet for et forvaltningsselskap, Fiskå, Tor-Kristian; Nag, Fredrik
- What are the site related and most sensitive parameters to optimize a large-scale PV installation at Stavanger airport? Paneru, Chandra Prakash
- Analysis on the energy distribution and feasibility of positive energy district at Stavanger airport, Radhakrishnan, Ranjith
- Comparative study of BIPV and BIPVT, Bidhan Bhattarai
- Modeling energy consumption and heat exchange of buildings, Skarås, Steffen Berntsen
- Solar Energy Potential in Urban Environments, Case of Stavanger, Joudavi, Ayda; Rahimi, Mehrdad
- Solar PV Potential on Site 4016 at Åsen and the Urban Fabric as the Future Solar Power Plant of Cities, Herrera Cedeño, Andrés