Heinz Peter Ruoff

Ekstern tilknyttet UiS

Heinz Peter Ruoff


Telefon: 51831887

E-post: peter.ruoff@uis.no

Rom: I8 D-209


Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

Institutt for kjemi, biovitenskap og miljøteknologi

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Sharmin, Nusrat; Sone, Izumi; Noriega Fernández, Estefanía ; Rosnes, Jan Thomas; Vinningland, Ingrid


      Next-Generation Biomaterials for Food Packaging Applications.

      Universitetet i Stavanger.

    • Tveit, Daniel Myklatun


      Structural Properties of Biological Integral Feedback Motifs.

      Universitetet i Stavanger.

      ISBN 978-82-7644-951-8.

      Hefte 544.

    • Thorsen, Kristian


      Controller Motifs for Homeostatic Regulation and Their Applications in Biological Systems.

      Universitetet i Stavanger.

      ISBN 978-82-7644-628-9.

      Hefte 276.

  • Formidling
    • Ruoff, Peter


      Om utdanning og forskning ved UiS (biologisk kjemi).

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Homeostasis and the Kinetics of Integral Control.

      Invitasjon fra ETH Zürich;


    • Ruoff, Peter


      Homeostasis and the Kinetics of Integral Control.

      Bergen Digital Life Breakfast Meeting;


    • Ruoff, Peter


      Nobelpris i fysiologi/medisin 2017: Om circadiane rytmer og den biologiske klokken.

      Foredrag i Norges Tekniske Vitenskapsakademi (NTVA);


    • Ruoff, Peter


      A Mathematical Toolbox.

      Journal of Biological Rhythms.

      ISSN 0748-7304.

      Volum 33.

      Hefte 4.


      DOI: 10.1177/0748730418787253

    • Ang, Jordan; Tveit, Daniel Myklatun; Fjeld, Gunhild; Drengstig, Tormod; Ruoff, Heinz Peter; McMillen, David R.; Thorsen, Kristian


      Reconciling principles for how to achieve feedback and control in biological systems.

      18th Conference of the International Study Group for Systems Biology;

      2018-09-24 - 2018-09-28.

    • Brattland, Vegard; Austvoll, Ivar; Ruoff, Peter; Drengstig, Tormod


      Image processing of leaf movements in Mimosa pudica.

      SCIA 2017;

      2017-06-12 - 2017-06-14.

    • Omdal, Roald; Larssen, E.; Brede, Cato; Hjelle, Anne; Tjensvoll, A.B.; Norheim, K. B.; Bårdsen, Kjell; Jonsdottir, Kristin; Ruoff, Peter; Nilsen, M. M.


      A Proteomic Signature of Fatigue in Primary Sjögren's Syndrome.

      Annual European Congress of Rheumatology;

      2017-06-14 - 2017-06-17.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      The Kinetics of Biological Control.

      Meeting on Methodologies for Digital Life - Focus on Metabolic Systems;

      2017-10-06 - .

    • Ruoff, Peter


      The Kinetics of Biological Control.

      National Research Infrastructure, University of South Bohemia;

      2017-11-23 - .

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Nobelpris i Fysiologi 2017.

      Norsk Kjemisk Selskap's Julemøte 2017;

      2017-12-08 - .

    • Fjeld, Gunhild; Ruoff, Peter; Drengstig, Tormod


      Different Implementations of Integral Control Affect Controller Performances During Time-Dependent Perturbations.

      Cold Spring Harbor - cellular dynamics & models;

      2017-04-11 - 2017-04-14.

    • Thorsen, Kristian; Risvoll, Geir; Tveit, Daniel Myklatun; Ruoff, Peter; Drengstig, Tormod


      Tuning of Physiological Controller Motifs.

      Eurosim 2016;

      2016-09-12 - 2016-09-16.

    • Thorsen, Kristian; Drengstig, Tormod; Ruoff, Peter; Gundersen, Ina


      Nytt sykehus Ullandhaug - Jubler for plasseringen.

    • Agafonov, Oleg; Selstø, Christina Helen; Thorsen, Kristian; Xu, Xiang Ming; Drengstig, Tormod; Ruoff, Peter


      The Organization of Controller Motifs Leading to Robust Plant Iron Homeostasis.

      The 26th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research;

      2015-07-05 - 2015-07-09.

    • Larssen, Eivind; Brede, C; Hjelle, Anne; Øysæd, Kjell Birger; Tjensvoll, A.B.; Norheim, Katrine Brække; Bårdsen, Kjersti; Ruoff, Peter; Omdal, Roald; Nilsen, M.M.


      Fatigue in Primary Sjögrens Syndrome : A Proteomic Study of Cerebrospinal Fluid.

      Scandinavian Journal of Immunology.

      ISSN 0300-9475.

      Volum 81.

      Hefte 5.


      DOI: 10.1111/sji.12291

    • Thorsen, Kristian; Drengstig, Tormod; Ruoff, Peter


      Integrative modeling of glucose transport and homeostasis in enterocytes.

      CSHL Meeting on Computational Cell Biology 2013;

      2013-03-19 - 2013-03-22.

    • Drengstig, Tormod; Jolma, Ingunn Westvik; Thorsen, Kristian; Ruoff, Peter


      Fysiologiske reguleringsmekanismer.


      ISSN 0028-0887.

      Volum 137.

      Hefte 4.


    • Kitanovic, Ana; Bonowski, Felix; Heigwer, Florian; Ruoff, Peter; Kitanovic, Igor; Ungewiss, Christin; Wölfl, Stefan


      Acetic acid treatment in S. cerevisiae creates significant energy deficiency and nutrient starvation that is dependent on the activity of the mitochondrial transcriptional complex Hap2-3-4-5.

      Frontiers in Molecular and Cellular Oncology.

      Volum 118.

      Hefte 2.

      DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2012.00118

    • Thorsen, Kristian; Drengstig, Tormod; Ruoff, Peter


      Modeling and simulation of intestinal nutrient uptake.

      The 13th International Conference on Systems Biology;

      2012-08-19 - 2012-08-23.

    • Jolma, Ingunn Westvik; Lillo, Cathrine; Ruoff, Peter


      Temperature dependence of rutin-Fe(II) binding constants determined by isothermal titration calorimetry.

      SPPS Congress;

      2011-08-20 - 2011-08-25.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Network motifs leading to plant nitrate homeostasis and oscillatory nitrate assimilation.

      XXIV SPPS Congress;

      2011-08-22 - 2011-08-25.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      A complete set of robust homeostatic network motifs and their oscillatory behaviors.

      Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting on Computational Cell Biology;

      2011-03-29 - 2011-04-01.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Integrating Fluctuating Nitrate Uptake And Assimilation Rates To Robust Cytosolic Nitrate Homeostasis.

      Plant Transport Group Meeting;

      2011-09-14 - 2011-09-16.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Molecular Mechanisms for Homeostatic Controllers and Perfect Adaptation.

      4th Lustrum Symposium on Systems and Synthetic Biology;


    • Ruoff, Peter


      Vår indre biologiske klokke.

      Magic Magasin.

      Hefte 5.


    • Ruoff, Peter


      Rhythmen der Natur.

    • Kitanovic, Ana; Bonowski, Felix; Ruoff, Peter; Kitanovic, Igor; Heigwer, F.; Wölfl, Stefan


      Computer controlled automated assay for comprehensive studies of S.cerevisiae growth kinetic in response to extracellular conditions.

      The FEBS Journal.

      ISSN 1742-464X.

      Hefte 277:Suppl1.


    • Jolma, Ingunn; Ni, Xiao Yu; Kjosmoen, Thomas; Drengstig, Tormod; Ruoff, Peter; Jensen, Karene


      Robust Homeostatic Controllers: Molecular Mechanisms and Oscillatory Responses.

      Systems Biology of Microorganisms;

      2010-03-22 - 2010-03-24.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Molecular Mechanisms for Homeostatic Controllers and Perfect Adaptation.



    • Ruoff, Peter


      Homeostatic and Oscillatory Mechanisms in Plant and Fungal Nitrate Assimilation.

      Workshop on "Circadian Clocks in Plants and Fungi";

      2010-10-25 - 2010-10-29.

    • Jolma, Ingunn; Ni, Xiao Yu; Kjosmoen, Thomas; Drengstig, Tormod; Ruoff, Peter; Jensen, Karene


      Robust Homeostatic Controllers: Molecular Mechanisms and Oscillatory Responses.

      Systems Biology of Microorganisms;

      2010-03-22 - 2010-03-24.

    • Jolma, Ingunn; Ni, Xiao Yu; Kjosmoen, Thomas; Drengstig, Tormod; Ruoff, Peter; Jensen, Karene


      Robust Homeostatic Controllers: Molecular Mechanisms and Oscillatory Responses.

      Systems Biology of Microorganisms;

      2010-03-22 - 2010-03-24.

    • Jolma, Ingunn; Ni, Xiao Yu; Kjosmoen, Thomas; Drengstig, Tormod; Ruoff, Peter; Jensen, Karene


      Robust Homeostatic Controllers: Molecular Mechanisms and Oscillatory Responses.

      Systems Biology of Microorganisms;

      2010-03-22 - 2010-03-24.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Homeostatic controllers: robustness, temperature behaviors and oscillatory responses.



    • Ruoff, Peter


      Perfect Adaptation and Temperature Compensation in Reaction Kinetic Networks.

      Joint Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/Wellcome Trust Conference meeting on Computational Cell Biology;

      2008-03-26 - 2008-03-30.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Temperature Compensation and Adaptation Mechanisms in Reaction Kinetic Networks.


      2008-08-11 - 2008-08-12.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Temperature Compensation and Adaptation Mechanisms in Circadian Rhythms and Reaction Kinetic Networks.



    • Johansen, Øystein; Ryen, Tom; Eftestøl, Trygve; Kjosmoen, Thomas; Ruoff, Peter


      Splice Site Prediction using Artificial Neural Networks.


      2008-10-03 - 2008-10-04.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Chemical Oscillations and Circadian Rhythms.

      Biological Switches and Clocks;

      2007-07-02 - 2007-08-10.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      How Do Cells Compute?.

      Biological Switches and Clocks;

      2007-07-02 - 2007-08-10.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Perfect Adaptation with Zero Control Coefficients.

      Biological Switches and Clocks;

      2007-07-02 - 2007-08-10.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      The Neurospora Circadian Clock: Modeling and Experiments.

      8th European Conference on Fungal Genetics;

      2006-04-08 - 2006-04-11.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      The Neurospora Circadian Clock: Modelling and Experiments.

      Neurospora Satellite Meeting at the 8th European Conference on Fungal Genetics;


    • Ruoff, Peter


      Modelling the Neurospora Circadian Clock.

      Tenth Meeting of the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms;

      2006-05-21 - 2006-05-25.

    • Mehra, Arun; Shi, Mi; Hong, Christian; Ruoff, Peter; Loros, Jennifer J.; Dunlap, Jay C.


      Genes Involved in Temperature Compensation of the N. crassa Clock.

      Tenth Meeting of the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms;

      2006-05-21 - 2006-05-25.

    • Hong, Christian; Jolma, Ingunn; Loros, Jennifer J.; Dunlap, Jay C.; Ruoff, Peter


      A Mathematical Model of Neurospora crassa Circadian Rhythms.

      Tenth Meeting of the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms;

      2006-05-21 - 2006-05-25.

    • Zakhartsev, Maxim; Ruoff, Peter


      Metabolic Temperature Compensation of Metabolic Flux in Yeast S. cerevisiae.

      International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts (ISSY25). Systems Biology of Yeasts - From Models to Applications;


    • Eftestøl, Trygve; Ryen, Tom; Aase, Sven Ole; Strässle, Cassian; Boos, Marcus; Schuster, Guido M.; Ruoff, Peter


      Eukaryotic gene prediction by spectral analysis and pattern recognition techniques.

      The 7th Nordic Signal Processing Symposium - NORSIG 2006;

      2006-06-07 - 2006-06-09.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Molecular Basis of Temperature Compensation in Biochemical Oscillators and Physiological Clocks.



    • Ruoff, Peter


      A Nitrate-Induced FRQ-less Oscillator in Neurospora crassa.

      23rd Fungal Genetics Conference;

      2005-03-15 - 2005-03-20.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Studier og forskning i Biologisk kjemi ved Universitetet i Stavanger.

      Åpen Fagdag;


    • Ruoff, Peter


      PER/TIM-mediated amplification, gene dosage effects and temperature compensation in the two- loop model of the Drosophila circadian clock.

      European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology;

      2005-07-18 - 2005-07-22.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Modelling temperature effects on circadian clocks.

      European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology;

      2005-07-18 - 2005-07-22.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Molecular Bases of Temperature Compensation in Biochemical Oscillators and Physiological Clocks.



    • Ruoff, Peter


      The Neurospora Circadian Clock: Models and Experiments.


      2004-03-02 - 2004-03-03.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      The Role of the PER/TIM Complex on the Stability of Oscillations in a Model of the Drosophila Circadian Clock.

      Workshop on “Cell Signaling and Regulation of Gene Expression”, Hiddensee, Germany. Organized by Humboldt University, Berlin.;

      2004-04-01 - 2004-04-04.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Bioteknologi - et fagfelt i rask utvikling.



    • Ruoff, Peter


      Temperature Effects on Circadian Clocks Temperature Compensation in Circadian Clocks.

      The 1st Integrated Meeting on Thermal Physiology and Pharmacology of Thermoregulation. PPTR 2004.;

      2004-10-10 - 2004-10-15.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Den biologiske klokken og organismenes tilpasning til det ytre miljø:Mekanismer og modeller for temperaturkompensasjon i circadiane rytmer Temperaturadaptasjon i Organismer.



    • Ruoff, Peter


      A Theory for Temperature-Compensation and Period Homeostasis in Reaction Kinetic Models of Biological Oscillators.

      Miniworkshop on "Dynamics, Adaptation and Fluctuations in Bio-Networks";

      2003-03-24 - 2003-03-27.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Modelling the Neurospora Circadian Clock.

      Mini-Symposium "Circadian Clocks";

      2003-10-17 - 2003-10-18.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Bioteknologi - et eksploderende fagfelt.

      Åpen fagdag;


    • Ruoff, Peter


      The Neuorspora Circadian Clock: Model Predictions and Experiments Modelling of Circadian Rhythms.

      Eighth Meeting of the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms;

      2002-05-22 - 2002-05-26.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Simulating the Effect of Light Pulses on the Sporulation Rhythm of Neurospora crassa.

      9th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology;

      2001-09-03 - 2001-09-08.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Neurospora crassa: en liten sopp brukt i forskning om biologiske klokker.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Bioteknologi - et eksploderende fagfelt.



    • Ruoff, Peter


      The Neurospora crassa clock: The Importance of the frequency Gene for both Temperature-Compensation and pH-Homeostasis.

      Gordon Research Conference on Chronobiology;

      2001-08-05 - 2001-08-10.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Temperature-Compensation and General Homeostasis in Physiological Clocks: Theory, Experiments and the Importance of Clock Protein Degradation.

      1st International MTBio Workshop on: Function and Regulation of Cellular Systems. Experiments and Models.;

      2001-06-24 - 2001-06-30.

    • Rensing, L.; Meyer-Grahle, Ulf; Ruoff, Peter


      Biologische Uhren: Timing-Mechanismen in der Natur Chronobiologie.

      Biologie in unserer Zeit.

      ISSN 0045-205X.

      Volum 31.

      Hefte 5.


    • Ruoff, Peter


      Modeling of Temperature Compensation in Circadian Rhythms. Workshop on Biomathematical Models of Circadian Rhythmicity, Sleep Regulation and Neurobehavioral Function in Humans.

      Meeting arranged in honour of Prof. Richard Kronauer;

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Discrepancies between "new" and "old" Oregonator Rate Constants: Comparisons between experimental and theoretical Phase Response Curves of Bromide-Ion Perturbations.

      Gordon Research Conference on Chemical Oscillations and Instabilities;

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Temperature Compensation in Biological Rhythms.

      Department of Chemistry;

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Temperature-Compensated Biochemical Systems: Circadian Clocks Biochemical Oscillators.



    • Ruoff, Peter


      Models of Temperature Compensation in Biological Rhythms.

      International Congress on Chronobiology (1997 : Paris);

    • Lillo, Cathrine; Kazazic, Sabina; Ruoff, Peter; Meyer, C.


      Regulation of nitrate reductase in light and darkness, effects of a signalling protein.


      1996-11-30 - .

    • Ruoff, Peter; Touitou, Yvan


      Models of Temperature Compensation in Biological Rhythms.

      International Congress of Chronobiology;

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Photoluminescence in the Oscillatory Ru-ion-catalyzed Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction.

      Chemical Oscillations and Related Topics;

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Photoluminescence in the Oscillatory Ce-ion catalyzed Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction.

      Seminar on "Photochemical and Electrochemical Aspects of Chemic al Oscillation and Related Topics";

    • Ruoff, Peter; da Silva, Manuel A. V. Ribeir


      Temperature Compensation in Models of Biological and Chemical Oscillators.

      14th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics;

    • Körös, Endre; Kurin-Csörgei, Krisztina; Nagy, Gabriella; Ruoff, Peter; da Silva, Manuel A. V. Ribeir


      Temperature dependence on activation energies of catalyzed, uncatalyzed, and perturbed bromate oscillators. A search for temperature-compensated ch oscillators.

      14th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics;

    • Jakobsen, Thorvald; Ruoff, Peter


      Clathrate Hydrate Formation in Water-in-Oil Emulsions - A Kinetic Study of the Model System Trichlorofluoromethane and Model Oil/Water/Nonionic Surfactant by Means of Dielectric Spectroscopy.

      2nd International Conference on Natural Gas Hydrate;

    • Vinsjevik, Merete; Monnerjahn, Christian; Rensing, Ludger; Ruoff, Peter


      The Neurospora clock: frq-mRNA measured by quantitative RT-PCR.

      Gordon Research Conference on Chronobiology;

    • Ruoff, Peter; Rensing, L.


      Phase Resetting and Entrainment by Temperature Perturbations in a Temperature-Compensated Oscillator model with negative Feedback.

      World Conference in Chronobiology;

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Temperature-Compensation by Random Walk.

      International Workshop on Dynamism and Regulation in Nonlinear Chemical Systems;

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Dynamics of Chemical Oscillatory Processes.

      Division of Sensor Technology, SINTEF/Norwegian Institute of Te chnology;

    • Ruoff, Peter; Rensing, L.


      Phase Resetting and Entrainment by Temperature Pertubations in a Temperature-Compensated Oscillator Model with negative Feedback.

      World Conferanse in Chronobiology;

    • Vinsjevik, Merete; Ruoff, Peter; Jørgensen, Per M.; Botnen, Astri


      Den molekylære mekanismen til den biologiske klokken.


      ISSN 0028-0887.

      Volum 122.

      Hefte 5.


    • Lekvam, Knut; Ruoff, Peter


      Temperature Hysteresis of Methane Hydrate Formation and Decomposition in Liquid Water.

      2nd International Conference on Natural Gas Hydrate;

      1996-06-02 - 1996-06-06.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Models of Circadian Rhythms.



    • Ruoff, Peter


      The Circadian Clock Models of Circadian Clocks.



    • Ruoff, Peter


      Circadian Rhythms and Models of Temperature-Compensation Sirkadiske rytmer og modeller for temperaturkompensasjon.



    • Ruoff, Peter


      Temperature-Compensation by Random Walk.

      International Workshop on Dynamism and Regulation in Non-linear Chemical Systems.;

      1994-03-22 - 1994-03-25.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Temperature-Compensation in any Reaction Kinetic Model of Circadian Oscillations.

      Gordon Research Conference on Chronobiology;

      1993-08-08 - 1993-08-13.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Mechanisms of Chemical Oscillatory Reactions Kjemiske oscillators mekanismer.



    • Ruoff, Peter


      Oscillatory Reactions in Chemistry and Biology Oscillerende reaksjoner i kjemi og biologi.



    • Ruoff, Peter


      Enzyme Catalyzed Reactions Enzymkatalyserte Reaksjoner.



    • Lekvam, Knut; Ruoff, Peter


      Reaction Kinetic Simulations of Methane Hydrate Formation in Liquid Water.

      International Conference on Natural Gas Hydrates;

      1993-06-20 - 1993-06-24.

    • Ruoff, Peter


      Temperature-Compensation in Reaction Kinetic Models of Biological and Chemical Oscillators.



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