Tevfik Murat Yildirim
Førsteamanuensis i statsvitenskap

Telefon: 51831647
E-post: murat.yildirim@uis.no
Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for medie- og samfunnsfag
Førsteamanuensis i statsvitenskap
Telefon: 51831647
E-post: murat.yildirim@uis.no
Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for medie- og samfunnsfag
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
The republic at the centennial: A new dataset of the entire population of legislators and their parliamentary activities in Turkey.Electoral Studies: an international journal on voting and electoral systems and strategy.
ISSN 0261-3794.
Volum 88.
Dickson, Zachary P.; Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
The Effects of COVID-19 Infection on Opposition to COVID-19 Policies: Evidence from the U.S. Congress.Political Communication.
ISSN 1058-4609.
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
Patterns of stability and change in media attention in Europe.Policy & Politics.
ISSN 0305-5736.
Volum 52.
Hefte 2.
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
Emotions in the aisles: Unpacking the use of emotive language in the UK House of Commons.European Journal of Political Research.
ISSN 0304-4130.
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat; Williams, Laron K.
Problem importance across time and space: updating the Most Important Problem Dataset .Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties.
ISSN 1745-7289.
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat; Thesen, Gunnar; Jennings, Will; De Vries, Erik
The determinants of the media coverage of politicians: The role of parliamentary activities.European Journal of Political Research.
ISSN 0304-4130.
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
Stability and change in the public’s policy agenda: a punctuated equilibrium approach.Policy sciences.
ISSN 0032-2687.
Volum 55.
Sunnercrantz, Liv; Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
The role of experts in populist politics : Toward a post-foundational approach. I: Populism and science in Europe.Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 9783030975357.
Thesen, Gunnar; Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
Electoral Systems and Gender Inequality in Political News: Analyzing the News Visibility of Members of Parliament in Norway and the UK.American Political Science Review.
ISSN 0003-0554.
Volum 117.
Hefte 2.
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat; Bulut, Alper Tolga
Income inequality and opinion expression gap in the American public: An analysis of policy priorities.Journal of Public Policy.
ISSN 0143-814X.
Volum 43.
Hefte 1.
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat; Bulut, Alper Tolga
Gendered Perceptions of Personality Traits, Policy Stereotypes, and Support for Right-Wing Populist Parties: Lessons from Turkey.Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society.
ISSN 1072-4745.
Volum 30.
Hefte 1.
DOI: 10.1093/sp/jxac007
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
Gender differences in the prioritization of corruption as the most important problem in the US, 1939-2015. I: Norms, gender and corruption : Understanding the nexus.
Edward Elgar Publishing.
ISBN 9781802205824.
Wahman, Michael; Frantzeskakis, Nikolaos; Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
From Thin to Thick Representation: How a Female President Shapes Female Parliamentary Behavior.American Political Science Review.
ISSN 0003-0554.
Volum 115.
Hefte 2.
Bulut, Alper Tolga; Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
Elite Influence on Attitudes About Gender Egalitarianism: Evidence from a Population-Based Survey Experiment.Political Behavior.
ISSN 0190-9320.
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
Rethinking Women’s Interests: An Inductive and Intersectional Approach to Defining Women’s Policy Priorities.British Journal of Political Science.
ISSN 0007-1234.
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
Legislative debates in the Turkish Grand National Assembly. I: The politics of legislative debates.
Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780198849063.
Frantzeskakis, Nikolaos; Wahman, Michael; Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
Malawi : Parliamentary debate under executive dominance. I: The politics of legislative debates.
Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780198849063.
Eslen-Ziya, Hande; Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
Perceptions of gendered-challenges in academia: How women academics see gender hierarchies as barriers to achievement.Gender, Work & Organization.
ISSN 0968-6673.
Volum 29.
DOI: 10.1111/gwao.12744
Bulut, Alper T.; Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
Political stability, democracy and agenda dynamics in Turkey.
Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 9783030274573.
Ciftci, Sabri; Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
Ethnic violence and substantive representation of minorities in parliament.International Political Science Review.
ISSN 0192-5121.
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat; Bulut, Alper Tolga; Ilter, Emel
Agenda dynamics and policy priorities in military regimes .International Political Science Review.
ISSN 0192-5121.
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat; Eslen Ziya, Hande
The Differential Impact of COVID‐19 on the Work Conditions of Women and Men Academics during the Lockdown.Gender, Work & Organization.
ISSN 0968-6673.
DOI: 10.1111/gwao.12529
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat; Kocapinar, Gulnur; Ecevit, Yuksel Alper
Status Incongruity and Backlash against Female Legislators: How Legislative Speechmaking Benefits Men, but Harms Women.Political research quarterly.
ISSN 1065-9129.
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
Politics of Constituency Representation and Legislative Ambition under the Glare of Camera Lights.Legislative Studies Quarterly.
ISSN 0362-9805.
DOI: 10.1111/lsq.12256
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat; Overby, L. Marvin
Abandoning Ankara: voluntary departures from the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.The Journal of Legislative Studies.
ISSN 1357-2334.
Volum 25.
Hefte 4.
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
Gender and Agenda Diversity: Cognitive Differences in Representatives’ Information Processing.Policy Studies Journal (PSJ).
ISSN 0190-292X.
DOI: 10.1111/psj.12295
Ciftci, Sabri; Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
Hiding behind the party brand or currying favor with constituents: Why do representatives engage in different types of constituency-oriented behavior?.Party Politics.
ISSN 1354-0688.
Baumgartner, Frank R.; Carammia, Marcello; Epp, Derek; Noble, Ben; Rey, Beatriz; Yildirim, Tevfik Murat
Budgetary change in authoritarian and democratic regimes.Journal of European Public Policy.
ISSN 1350-1763.
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat; Kocapinar, Gulnur; Ecevit, Alper
Staying active and focused? The effect of parliamentary performance on candidate renomination and promotion.Party Politics.
ISSN 1354-0688.
Yildirim, Tevfik Murat; Bulut, Alper Tolga
Protesters are angry that Turkey withdrew from a women’s rights convention. Will it hurt women’s rights?.
Washington Post.
ISSN 0190-8286.