Ari Krisna Mawira Tarigan
Førsteamanuensis i byplanlegging

Telefon: 51832871
Rom: KE C-329
Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for sikkerhet, økonomi og planlegging
Kort om meg
Room: KE-C326
His research and teaching areas: traffic engineering, travel behaviour, transportation planning, water and wastewater system, urban infrastructure planning, nature based solutions, urban green infrastructure.
Doctoral of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan, Transportation Engineering and Planning
Master of Science, IHE Delft, Netherlands, Integrated urban engineering.
Work experience
2018-now, Associate Professor, University of Stavanger
2018-2018, Postdoc, NTNU
2012-2017, Project planning engineer, Fabricom/Cofely Fabricom
2010-2012, Project engineer, International Research Institute of Stavanger/NORCE
2006-2009, Stipendiat, Kyoto University
1. UiS's research grant for a mobility program to visit Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan and Ritsumeikan University (2019), 50 000 NOK.
2. Research grant from the University Fund to execute a research project on "Green Infrastructure for liveable and sustainable cities" (2019-2023), 2 100 000 NOK.
3. The Åsgard Research programme, a cooperation project between the Research Council of Norway and the Department for scientific cooperation of the French Embassy in Norway.
4. EEA and Norway grant. Greencoin: Promoting pro-environmental behaviour through an interactive mechanism (2020-2023), 1 950 000 EUR.
5. UTFORSK-DIKU grant: BUILDing reseilience through education and research in nature based solutions (BUILD) (2021-2025), 3 000 000 NOK.
6. Interreg Baltic Sea Region (EU). City Blues - Bluegreen nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation and citizen wellbeing. 2960 000 EUR