Allen Clarence Jones

Førsteamanuensis i engelskspråklig litteratur og kultur

Allen Clarence Jones


Telefon: 51833616


Rom: HG N-231


Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora

Institutt for kultur- og språkvitenskap

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Assessing creative awareness and literary writing games in the Norwegian context . I: Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Games Based Learning.

      ISBN 978-1-914587-88-7.


  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Son of a Cult: A Longitudinal Study.

      ISBN 978-1639803439.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Big, Weird, Lonely Hearts.

      ISBN 978-1922858344.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Her Death Was Also Water.

      ISBN 9781925227918.

  • Formidling
    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Gaming the Reader: An Argument for Surrealist, Dialogic Composition.

      Angry Gable Press.

      Volum 4.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Teaching Creativity: Experimental Writing Games Part 1: Understanding Creativity.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Teaching Creativity: Experimental Writing Games Part 2: Training Creative Thinking with Freewriting.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Teaching Creativity: Experimental Writing Games Part 3: Training Divergent Thinking with Creative Writing Games.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Teaching Creativity: Experimental Writing Games Part 4: Understanding and Building Divergent Reading Games.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Teaching Creativity: Experimental Writing Games Part 5: Making it Useful.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      What is Time if the Text is a Game: A Bakhtinian Analysis of Surrealist Games.

      The Nordic Association for English Studies (NAES) triennial conference;

      2022-06-11 - 2022-06-13.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Literary Games: A Pragmatic Approach for International Teachers.

      Erasmus Project READY (Read-Enjoy-And-Develop-Yourself);


    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      An “underwater feeling”: Object Silence and the Sensual Narrative in Hemingway’s "Big Two-Hearted River".

      19th Biennial Hemingway Society Conference;

      2022-07-17 - 2022-07-24.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Writing Inner Worlds.

      Ubud Writers and Readers Festival;


    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Write that Opening Line.

      Australian Short Story Festival;


    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      A Conversation with Allen C. Jones.

      Australian Short Story Festival;


    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Shakespeare Meets Pokémon Go: Augmented Books and the Future.

      Independent Publishing Conference;

      2022-11-24 - 2022-11-26.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Published or Not: interview with David McLean on 3CR Radio.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Master Series: Allen C. Jones. The First Time Podcast with Katherine Collette. Season 5, Episode 193..

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      New Frontiers in Speculative Fiction.

      Asia Pacific Writers and Translators Conference;

      2022-11-28 - 2022-11-30.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Hybrid Writing: Writing Beyond Type.

      Asia Pacific Writers and Translators Conference;

      2022-11-28 - 2022-11-30.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Brave the Elements: Nature as Setting.

      Bangalore Literature Festival;

      2022-12-03 - 2022-12-04.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      When Writers Teach Writing.

      Bangalore Literature Festival;

      2022-12-03 - 2022-12-04.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Writing Apocalypse: Cataclysm as a Way of Thinking.

      DEMCI Colloquim 2022;


    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      International Spotlight.

      International Spotlight;

      2021-11-05 - 2021-11-07.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      International Spotlight Video Publication.

      Australian Short Story Festival: International Spotlight: Video Recording;

      2021-11-05 - 2021-11-07.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      "Literary Games as Creative Pedagogy".

      DEMCI 2019-2021 closing colloquium;


    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Language and Cultural Difference .

      Language and Cultural Difference;


    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Literary Games in the English Classroom.

      Presenation at St. Svithun High School;


    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Digital composition as a liberatory mode.

      Democracy and citizenship - interdisciplinary approaches and critical perspectives;

      2019-11-25 - 2019-11-26.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      The Lover’s Discourse: Roland Barthes’ Ethical Madness and Modernist Composition..

      Love: Contemporary Perspectives in Literature, Philosophy, and Theology.;

      2019-09-05 - 2019-09-07.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      ’Smisterinanout”: The Jolly, Half-Feminine, Liquid Cure for Suicide in Fitzgerald. .

      Place and Placelesness: 15th International F. Scott Fitzgerald Society Conference. ;

      2019-06-24 - 2019-06-29.

  • Kunstnerisk produksjon
    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Teaching Creativity: Experimental Writing Games.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      The Metaphor Tracker: an update.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Have You Heard.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      The Power of Poetry.

      Ubud Readers and Writers Festival.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      In Summer It’s Too Hot to Sleep Outside .

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Koans Cut from the Norwegian News.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Exile's Kitchen: Breaking Things.

    • Jones, Allen Clarence


      Digital Games for Reading Literature: The Dylan Thomas Game (The DT Game).

  • Kommersialisering
  • Cristin hovedlogo, Cristin current research information system in Norway