Claudia Morsut

Førsteamanuensis i samfunnssikkerhet

Claudia Morsut


Telefon: 51831331


Rom: KE D-336


Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

Institutt for sikkerhet, økonomi og planlegging

Kort om meg

Claudia Morsut owns a PhD in International Relations from the Università degli Studi La Sapienza Rome Italy. Her main research interest revolves around the EU governance in disaster risk management, disaster risk reduction, and civil protection. More recently she started to pursue research on climate change adapation policy at EU, national and local level. In the years 2019 - 2022, she acted as local leader for the H2020 project BuildERS Building European Communities’ Resilience and Social Capital and the EU-UCPM-2020-KN-AG project ROADMAP European observatory on disaster risk and crisis management best practices. She is project leader in the national research project, RISKSEC2.0 Local climate change adaptation: from risk governance to securitisation strategies?   supported by the Research Council of Norway and local leader of the EU- UCPM-2022-KN-AG EuRopean ObservAtory on Disaster risk and crisis MAnagement good Practices: way ahead. She is also member of the Network on Transboundary Pandemic Crisis Governance, supported by the Nordic Research Council for the Humanities and the Social Sciences. She is member of the national reference group for Cluster 3, Civil Security within the HorizonEurope Programme.

She acted as Centre Leader for the Centre for Risk Management and Societal Safety at the University of Stavanger from October 2018 until November 2019. From 2009 until 2014, she worked as Research Scientist at the International Research Institute of Stavanger, while from 2008 until 2014 she was Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Education University of Stavanger teaching at the Erasmus Mundus Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations. From 2015 to 2020 (included various leaves) she was post doc fellow at SEROS. 

Her publications have examined the European Union civil protection policy and governance, the EU cooperation in security at global level, and the recent EU governance of the migration crisis. In 2018, she published, as co-editor, a book titled Security beyond the State: the EU in an Age of Transformation (Barbara Budrich Publishers), while her book chapter examines the EU disaster risk management in a book about standardization (Standardisation and Risk Governance. A multidisciplinary approach, published by Routledge).

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Meyer, Sunniva Frislid; Nævestad, Tor-Olav; Morsut, Claudia


      Tiltak for å bedre beredskapen for sårbare personer i Norge.

      Transportøkonomisk institutt.

      ISBN 978-82-480-1516-1.

      Hefte 2011/2024.

    • Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander


      Resilience and vulnerability. I: Handbook to improve societal disaster resilience - BuildERS project findings.

      ISBN 978-951-38-8768-1.

    • Rhinard, Mark; Morsut, Claudia


      RISKSEC2.0 D1.2 WHITE PAPER ON T1.4 - T1.6.

    • Kajganovic, Jelena; Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Hinton, Jennifer; Rhinard, Mark; Nævestad, Tor-Olav; Jukarainen, Pirjo; Keränen, Jaana; Olsen, Alexandra; Orru, Kati; Lovasz, Gabriella; Piseddu, Tommaso; Ludvigsen, Johanna


      D8.5 Sustainability Report. BuildERS Report.

    • Rhinard, Mark; Hinton, Jennifer; Gabel, Friedrich; Schobert, Maira; Olsen, Alexandra; Mehvar, Abdi; Piseddu, Tommaso; Morsut, Claudia; Orru, Kati; Jukarainen, Pirjo; Mela, Marianne; Kajganovic, Jelena; Pilsas, Gerttu; Tominga, Ago; Keränen, Jaana


      D5.2: Innovation Policy Recommendations BuildERS Report.

    • Rhinard, Mark; Hinton, Jennifer; Bennich, Therese; Engstrom, Alina; Orru, Kati; Hansson, Sten; Jukarainen, Pirjo; Myllylä, Miia; Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Gabel, Friedrich; Schobert, Maira; Nævestad, Tor-Olav; Olsen, Alexandra; Klaos, Margo; Kajganovic, Jelena


      D5.3: Resilience Policy Recommendations. BuildERS Report.

    • Jukarainen, Pirjo; Mela, Marianne; Valsta, Emilia; Orru, Kati; Lusikka, Toni; Latvakoski, Juhani; Keränen, Jaana; Pilsas, Gerttu; Rhinard, Mark; Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Gabel, Friedrich; Berawi, Mohammed Ali; Kajganovic, Jelena; Vrabie, Catalina; Schobert, Maira; Tominga, Ago; Hinton, Jennifer


      D6.6 Stakeholder Validation of Research Findings and Co-Creation of Innovations. BuildERS Report.

    • Capone, Francesca; Petrenj, Boris; Morsut, Claudia; Polese, Maria; Casarotti, Chiara; Di Bucci, Daniela; Rebora, Nicola; Dolce, Mauro; Prota, Andrea; Viegas, Domingos


      Good practices in multi-hazard risk scenarios. ROADMAP Project Thematic Paper 1.

    • Tagliacozzo, Serena; Rizzoli, Valentina; Morsut, Claudia; Di Bucci, Daniela; Casarotti, Chiara; Polese, Maria; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Fagà, Giulia; Rebora, Nicola; Dolce, Mauro; Prota, Andrea; Viegas, Domingos


      Good practices in risk and crisis communication. ROADMAP Project Thematic Paper 2.

    • Tagliacozzo, Serena; Farabollini, Piero; Morsut, Claudia; Casarotti, Chiara; Di Bucci, Daniela; Polese, Maria; Giuliani, Francesca; Hamidova, Erminia; Rebora, Nicola; Dolce, Mauro; Prota, Andrea; Viegas, Domingos


      Good practices in Building Back Better and Leave No one Behind. ROADMAP Project - Thematic Paper 3.

    • Di Bucci, Daniela; Casarotti, Chiara; Morsut, Claudia; Polese, Maria; Rebora, Nicola; Giuliani, Francesca; Rodrigues, Tiago; Viegas, Domingos; Fagà, Giulia; Centoducati, Carlo; De Siervo, Giovanni; Dolce, Mauro; Gotti, Andrea; Hamidova, Erminia; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Prota, Andrea; Ribeiro, Luis Mario; Capone, Francesca; Farabollini, Piero; Petrenj, Boris; Rizzoli, Valentina; Tagliacozzo, Serena


      Shared basic elements for a ‘European Doctrine on Disaster Risk and Crisis Management’. ROADMAP Vision Paper. ROADMAP Project.

    • Hagenlocher, Michael; Thieken, Annegret; Schneiderbauer, Stefan; Aguirre Ayerbe, Ignacio; Dobes, Pavel; Donovan, Amy; Morsut, Claudia; Paris, Nicholas; Pedoth, Lydia; Tonmoy, Fahim


      Risk Assessment. I: Science for Disaster Risk Management 2020: acting today, protecting tomorrow.

      ISBN 978-92-76-18182-8.


    • Rhinard, Mark; Bennich, Therese; Engstrom, Alina; Orru, Kati; Hansson, Sten; Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Schobert, Maira; Nævestad, Tor-Olav


      D5.1: RESILIENCE POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS – first report BuildERS Report.

    • Morsut, Claudia; Rhinard, Mark


      RISKSEC2.0 D1.1 WHITE PAPER ON T1.1 – T1.4 .

    • Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Airola, Merja; Keränen, Jaana; Orru, Kati; Hansson, Sten; Torpan, Sten; Berg, Fanny; Rhinard, Mark; Nævestad, Tor-Olav; Bennich, Therese; Segnestam, Lisa; Schobert, Maira; Krüger, Marco


      Report on segments of vulnerability country by country basis – inside and outside the official data (D1.3).

    • Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Schobert, Maira; Krüger, Marco; Gabel, Friedrich; Orru, Kati; Hansson, Sten; Nahkur, Oliver; Rhinard, Mark; Molarius, Riitta; Schmersal, Elsa; Savadori, Lucia; Nævestad, Tor-Olav


      Final report of the unified theoretical framework on the concepts of risk awareness, social, capital, vulnerability, resilience and their interdependencies (D1.2).

    • Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Kruger, Marco; Gabel, Friedrich; Nakhur, Oliver; Orru, Kati; Narusson, Dagmar; Siibak, Andra; Hanson, Sten; Rhinard, Mark; Berg, Fanny; Salvadori, Lucia; Nævestad, Tor-Olav



    • Hanson, Sten; Siibak, Andra; Back, Asta; Orru, Kati; Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Gabel, Friedrich; Kruger, Marco; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar


      Report on communication behaviour and use of social media in Europe (D1.4).

    • Morsut, Claudia; Irrera, Daniela


      Security Beyond the State : the EU in an Age of Tranformation.

      Verlag Barbara Budrich.

      ISBN 9783847420989.

    • LeCoze, Jean Christophe; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Ylonen, Marja; Morsut, Claudia; Skotnes, Ruth Østgaard; Pettersen, Kenneth Arne; Heikkila, Joukko


      Sociotechnical systems theory and regulation of safety in high-risk industries. White paper.

      ISBN 978-951-38-8523-6.

      Hefte 293.

    • Ylonen, Marja; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; LeCoze, Jean Christophe; Pettersen, Kenneth Arne; Skotnes, Ruth Østgaard; Morsut, Claudia; Heikkila, Joukko


      Sociotechnical safety assessment within three risk regulation regimes.

      ISBN 978-951-38-8528-1.

      Hefte 295.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      Looking for societal security in the Norwegian government’s discourse on integration. I: The Baltic Sea Region: Hard and Soft Security Reconsidered.

      ISBN 978-9984-583-89-1.


    • Leknes, Einar; Morsut, Claudia


      Nordland Fylkeskommunes internasjonale engasjement.

  • Formidling
    • Morsut, Claudia; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Neby, Simon; Angell, Elisabeth


      Paper presentation: Translations of securitisation of climate change consequences at local level: climate change adaptation in Bergen and Stavanger municipalities .

      Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap;

      2024-01-08 - 2024-01-10.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      Klimatilpasning i Stavanger og Bergen: lokal forståelse i lys av risikoer, klima trussel og normalpolitikk.



    • Neby, Simon; Angell, Elisabeth; Morsut, Claudia; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland


      Den nasjonale klimatilpasningspolitikken i Norge: mellom risiko, sektorgrenser og umodenhet.

      Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap;

      2023-01-09 - 2023-01-11.

    • Angell, Elisabeth; Neby, Simon; Morsut, Claudia; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland


      Klimatilpasning i Norge: Mellom risiko, beredskap og normalsituasjon .

      Felles forskningsgruppesamling ;

      2023-04-18 - 2023-04-19.

    • Neby, Simon; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Morsut, Claudia; Angell, Elisabeth


      Klimakrisen, klimarisiko og innrammingen av norsk klimapolitikk.

      Stat og styring.

      ISSN 0803-0103.

      Volum 33.


      DOI: 10.18261/stat.33.2.4

    • Angell, Elisabeth; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Morsut, Claudia; Neby, Simon


      Er beredskap og klima­tilpasning to sider av samme sak? .

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      Presentation of ROADMAP2 project to the European Commission.


      2023-02-01 - 2023-02-02.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      Network on Transboundary Pandemic Crises Governance, writing seminar.

      Network on Transboundary Pandemic Crises Governance;

      2023-03-27 - 2023-03-28.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      Crisis Management in the EU Context.

      Swedish and Dutch national crisis centers ;

      2023-09-26 - 2023-09-27.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      Panel organisation and presentation: Local pathways of climate change adaptation: discourses, actors and tools .

      Earth Science Governance Conference ;

      2023-10-24 - 2023-10-26.

    • Morsut, Claudia; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland


      Local climate change adaptation in Stavanger municipality (Norway).

      Earth Science Governance Conference ;

      2023-10-24 - 2023-10-26.

    • Morsut, Claudia; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Neby, Simon; Angell, Elisabeth; Karina, Barquet; Mathilda, Englund; Heleen, Mees; Jochemsen, Nenya


      RISKSEC2.0 Local Stakeholders Workshop.

      RISKSEC2.0 Stakeholders' workshop;

      2023-11-27 - 2023-11-28.

    • Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Morsut, Claudia


      Interfacing risk logic, riskification, and risk governance: some research implications. .

      ESREL 2023 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference: The Future of Safety in the Reconnected World ;

      2023-09-03 - 2023-09-07.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      Klimatilpasning i Stavanger og Bergen: lokal forståelse i lys av risikoer, klima trussel og normal politikk.

      Plan - og byggesakskonferansen;

      2023-11-20 - 2023-11-21.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      From Securitization to Desecuritization? Tracking the Evolution of European Union Security Discourses on Climate Chang.

      SGEU 2022;

      2022-06-08 - 2022-06-10.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      The Collective Securitization of Climate Change Adaptation.

      ECPR 2022;

      2022-08-21 - 2022-08-26.

    • Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander


      Social Capital Webinar: Social capital, resilience and vulnerability in crisis management .

      International Social Capital Association ISCA;


    • Morsut, Claudia


      Societal Security in Norway.

      Disaster Risk Management Training online series 2022 organised by DRMKC and CONRIS;


    • Morsut, Claudia


      Il Meccanismo Europeo di Protezione Civile.

      IKIS Italiensk Kulturforening i Stavanger ;


    • Karlson, Cathrine Witnes; Morsut, Claudia; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland


      Local level climate risk management – a critical investigation of the risk logic.

      ECPR General Conference;

      2022-08-22 - 2022-08-26.

    • Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Morsut, Claudia


      Climate risk governance on local level: discussing a systemic risk approach for safe and reliable transformation of a local industry system.

      36th International Workshop by NeTWork;

      2022-10-19 - 2022-10-21.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      The conceptual approach of BuildERS.

      SRA Virtual Conference 2021;

      2021-06-14 - 2021-06-16.

    • Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Olsen, Odd Einar Falnes; Trageton, Sigmund; Mathiesen, Espen


      Risikobevissthet og risikokommunikasjon i skjæringspunktet mellom SoMe og tradisjonell media.

      NFR SPREAD prosjekt OF-10727;


    • Morsut, Claudia


      Resilient European societies? Unpacking the factors of resilience within the EU.

      ECPR Virtual Conference 2020;

      2020-08-24 - 2020-08-28.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      Societal Security in Norway .

      13th EISA (European International Studies Association) Conference;

      2019-09-11 - 2019-09-14.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      Norwegian security policy making in civil protection and the EU.

      UACES workshop on small states and security;

      2019-06-26 - 2019-06-28.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      The emergence and development of samfunnssikkerhet in Norway.

      NordSTEVA final conference;

      2019-11-28 - 2019-11-29.

    • Morsut, Claudia; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar


      Migrasjon: Internasjonale løsninger for en internasjonal utfordring?.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      6 – 9 September 2017 Section organiser (with Giulia Tercovich University of Warwick) S52 The evolution of EU Crisis Management: from CSDP to a broader perspective - 3 panels presentation .

      ECPR European Consortium for Political Research;

      2017-09-06 - 2017-09-09.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      Paper Presentation: Human factors in crisis governance: the L’Aquila case ( written with Bjørn Ivar Kruke) .

      ESREL European Safety and Reliability;

      2017-06-18 - 2017-06-22.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      Paper Presentation: The EU’s delegation at the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR): debating its effectiveness .

      11th EISA (European International Studies Association) Conference ;

      2017-09-12 - 2017-09-16.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      Participant as representative of academia .

      European Commission Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC);

      2017-03-09 - 2017-03-10.

    • Morsut, Claudia; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar


      The (European) Union civil protection mechanism: A reliable crisis governance tool?.


      2016-09-26 - 2016-09-29.

    • Morsut, Claudia; Tercovich, Giulia


      The evolution of EU Crisis Management: from the CSDP to a broader perspective .

      The European Union in International Affairs V;

      2016-05-11 - 2016-05-13.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      Panel organiser Re-thinking EU Crisis Management: broadening and deepening EU Crisis Management understanding (with Giulia Tercovich University of Warwick), chair and paper presentation: The evolution of EU Crisis Management: from the CSDP to a broader perspective .

      5th EUIA (EU in International Affairs) Conference ;

      2016-05-11 - 2016-05-13.

    • Morsut, Claudia; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar


      European Union Civil Protection Mechanism: Challenges and possibilites.

      The International Emergency Management Society;

      2015-09-30 - 2015-10-02.

    • Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Skotnes, Ruth Østgaard; Pettersen, Kenneth Arne; Morsut, Claudia


      A sociotechnical perspective on risk regulation and tripartite system in the Norwegian petroleum industry.

      Working on Safety, Porto;

      2015-09-23 - 2015-09-25.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      Participant as representative of academia .

      European Commission Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC) ;

      2015-11-24 - 2015-11-25.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      Paper presentation: European Union Civil Protection Mechanism: challenges and possibilities Paper presentation: European Union Civil Protection Mechanism: challenges and possibilities .

      TIEMS (International Emergency Management and Disaster Response) Conference ;

      2015-09-30 - 2015-10-02.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      Section organiser, chair and discussant (with Daniela Irrera University of Catania) S50 Security Beyond the State: The Role of the EU – 6 panels .

      9th EISA (European International Studies Association) Conference ;

      2015-09-23 - 2015-09-26.

    • Morsut, Claudia


      Paper presentation: Resilience in a Multilevel Crisis Governance Context: A tale of joint implementation of community, regional, national and EU civil security capabilities .

      14th EUSA (European Union Studies Association) Biennial Conference ;

      2015-03-04 - 2015-03-08.

    • Morsut, Claudia; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar


      How is resilient crisis management being shaped by multilevel crisis governance?.


      2014-11-25 - 2014-11-27.

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