Johannes Nilsson Finne

Førsteamanuensis i pedagogisk psykologi

Johannes Nilsson Finne


Telefon: 51832420


Rom: HG Q-350

Sted: Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger


Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora

Nasjonalt senter for læringsmiljø og atferdsforskning


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Moi, Anna Lange; Fandrem, Hildegunn; Næss, Kari-Anne Bottegård; Finne, Johannes Nilsson


Research Characteristics and Approaches Taken to Follow up with Students Exposed to Bullying: A Scoping Review.

International Journal of Bullying Prevention.

ISSN 2523-3653.

DOI: 10.1007/s42380-024-00251-8

Caravita, Simona Carla Silvia; Finne, Johannes Nilsson; Fandrem, Hildegunn


Two Dimensions of Moral Cognition as Correlates of Different Forms of Participation in Bullying.

Frontiers in Psychology.

ISSN 1664-1078.

Volum 12.

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.768503

Finne, Johannes Nilsson; Roland, Erling Georg


Oppfølging etter mobbing : situert rehabilitering.


ISBN 9788245037012.

Finne, Johannes Nilsson; Roland, Erling Georg; Svartdal, Frode


Relational rehabilitation: Reducing harmful effects of bullying.

Nordic Studies in Education.

ISSN 1891-5914.

Volum 38.

Hefte 4.

DOI: 10.18261/issn.1891-2018-04-05

Finne, Johannes Nilsson; Svartdal, Frode


Social Perception Training (SPT): Improving social competence by reducing cognitive distortions.

International Journal of Emotional Education (IJEE).

ISSN 2073-7629.

Volum 9.

Hefte 2.


Ellenbogen, Stephen; Calame, Robert; Parker, Kim; Finne, Johannes Nilsson; Trocme, Nico


Description and preliminary investigation of Family TIES (Training In Essential Skills), a strategy for treating youth aggression and related problems in a social services agency.

International Journal of Child and Adolescents Health.

ISSN 1939-5930.

Volum 8.

Hefte 2.


Finne, Johannes Nilsson


Social competence in Norwegian schools. I: Social and Emotional Education. An International Analysis.

ISBN 978-84-15469-34-6.


Bøker og kapitler

Finne, Johannes Nilsson


Moral cognition and social competence: Promotion and prevention in school.

ISBN 978-82-93490-27-2.

Hefte 12.

Gundersen, Knut Kornelius; Olsen, Tutte M.; Finne, Johannes Nilsson; Strømgren, Børge; Daleflod, Bengt


AART En metode for trening i sosial kompetanse.


ISBN 978-82-15-02075-4.

Ellenbogen, Stephen; Calame, Robert; Parker, Kim; Finne, Johannes Nilsson; Trocme, Nico


Treating youth aggression and related problems in a social services agency. I: Adolescence : places and spaces.

Nova Science Publishers.

ISBN 9781631178474.


Gundersen, Knut Kornelius; Finne, Johannes; Olsen, Tutte


ART : en metode for trening av sosial kompetanse : manual for 10 ukers ART program : sosiale ferdigheter, sinnekontroll, moralsk resonnering / Knut Gundersen, Johannes Finne, Tutte Mitchell Olsen.

ISBN 8291046085.


Sjursø, Ida Risanger; Finne, Johannes Nilsson


Elevundersøkelsen med urovekkende mobbe-funn: - Tallene er veldig kritiske, sier forsker..

Tharaldsen, Kjersti Balle; Finne, Johannes Nilsson


Oppfølging etter mobbing.

Ledersamling for barnehage- og skolesektor;


Støen, Janne; Gusfre, Kari Stamland; Baraldsnes, Dziuginta; Finne, Johannes Nilsson; Caravita, Simona Carla Silvia


Learning Environment Survey, Grades 1-4 .

World Anti-bullying Forum;

2023-10-25 - .

Tharaldsen, Kjersti Balle; Finne, Johannes Nilsson


Oppfølging etter mobbing.



Tharaldsen, Kjersti Balle; Finne, Johannes Nilsson


Oppfølging etter mobbing: Status og veien videre.



Finne, Johannes Nilsson; Caravita, Simona Carla Silvia; Fandrem, Hildegunn


Types of Moral Cognition as Correlates of the Involvement in Bullying.

Oral presentation in symposium at EADP summer tour 2021;

2021-09-03 - .

Tharaldsen, Kjersti Balle; Finne, Johannes Nilsson


Flere årsaker til at elever ikke har det trygt og godt på skolen.

Stavanger Aftenblad.

ISSN 0804-8991.

Sjursø, Ida Risanger; Finne, Johannes Nilsson


De yngste må bli minnet på at vennene fortsatt er der. .

Stavanger Aftenblad.

ISSN 0804-8991.

Tharaldsen, Kjersti Balle; Finne, Johannes Nilsson


En mobbesak er ikke ferdig selv om den er avsluttet.

Stavanger Aftenblad.

ISSN 0804-8991.

Finne, Johannes Nilsson


Relational rehabilitation after bullying.

Workshop on Aggression;

2019-11-07 - 2019-11-08.

Finne, Johannes Nilsson; Nordaker, Dag Jostein


Hvordan skal skolene sikre et trygt og godt skolemiljø?.

Stavanger Aftenblad.

ISSN 0804-8991.

Finne, Johannes Nilsson


Improving social competence by reducing cognitive distortions.


2017-06-08 - .

Finne, Johannes Nilsson


«Hvordan kan jeg vite om noen liker meg da?».

Forskningsdagene; stand-up;


Finne, Johannes Nilsson


Social Perception Training, prelimenary results; "How do I know if they like me or not?".


2015-07-01 - .

Finne, Johannes Nilsson


Aggresjon og bilkjøring.

Fagseminar for trafikkskoler;

2015-10-16 - .

Finne, Johannes Nilsson


ART - Livets kunst.

Erfaringskonferanse i Re kommune;


Finne, Johannes Nilsson


ART (Aggression Replacement Training); What it is and how it is developed in Norway.



Finne, Johannes Nilsson


Family training in essential skills - Family ART.



Finne, Johannes Nilsson


Social competence in Norwegian schools.

Presentation of the report program, International report Social and Emotional education;


Finne, Johannes Nilsson


Målrettet arbeid med sosial ferdighetstrening.



Finne, Johannes Nilsson; Olsen, Tutte Mitchell


Education of Junior-ART-trainers.

ICART Conference;

2012-09-05 - 2012-09-06.

Finne, Johannes Nilsson


Expectations and change in Family ART.

PEACE4KIDS and families;


Finne, Johannes Nilsson; Olsen, Tutte Mitchell


Junior ART - making heroes out of bandits.

PEACE4KIDS and families;


Finne, Johannes Nilsson


Family ART - expectations.

ICART Conference;

2011-08-23 - 2011-08-25.

Finne, Johannes Nilsson; Olsen, Tutte Mitchell


Junior ART.

PEACE4KIDS and families;

2009-06-09 - 2009-06-12.

Finne, Johannes Nilsson


ART på ulike arenaer - hvordan implementere i kommunen.

Fagseminar - Lyngdal kommune;


Finne, Johannes Nilsson


ART i Norge + Workshop familie ART / junior ART.


2008-10-01 - 2008-10-02.

Finne, Johannes Nilsson


Family ART in Norway.

ICART Conference;

2008-06-17 - 2008-06-18.