Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia;
Aarrestad, Berit;
Normand, Linn Anne Margrethe
Erfaringer fra tverrfaglig samarbeid om undervisning som styrker demokrati, medvirkning og inkludering gjennom estetiske læringsprosesser: Engelsk, drama, samfunnsfag og migrasjonsstudier (EMMIR) .
Dembra KKS webinar Estetiske læringsprosesser, inkluderende læringsmiljø og forebygging av fordommer og utenforskap;
Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia;
Aarrestad, Berit;
Normand, Linn Anne Margrethe
Veien videre: Tverrfaglig samarbeid om Dembra tematikk og estetiske læringsprosesser. Prosessarbeid og institusjonell forankring.
Dembra avslutningskonferanse: Estetiske læringsprosesser, inkluderende læringsmiljø og forebygging av fordommer og utenforskap;
2023-11-27 - 2023-11-28.
Normand, Linn Anne Margrethe;
Torreiro-Casal, Monica
“Inclusive research practices: a manifesto and guide”.
American Educational Research Association ;
2023-04-13 - 2023-04-16.
Normand, Linn Anne Margrethe
Immigrant lived experiences of rascist nativism and counter-narratives under the Trump administration .
2023-09-04 - 2023-09-06.
Normand, Linn Anne Margrethe
Immigrant Minority Narratives of Lived Experiences in America .
26th Annual World Congress of Political Science conference entitled “New Nationalisms in an open world” (IPSA) ;
2021-07-10 - 2021-07-15.
Our Migration History and Inclusive Participatory Research in Norway
Migration & Aesthetics seminar series at the UC Davis Global Migration Center;
Normand, Linn Anne Margrethe;
Spirovska, Ivana;
Lero, Niko
‘Inclusive multicultural education in Norwegian high schools: a case study of classroom participation in immigration-themed research workshops’
Presented research project together with two graduate students at the (virtual) UC Davis the Conference, hosted by the Center for Educational Effectiveness. Presentation title.
5th Annual UC Davis Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL);
2020-12-03 - 2020-12-04.
Normand, Linn Anne Margrethe;
Mora, Kristian
‘Vår migrasjonhistorie’ .
Workshop om migrasjon - EU-enhet VEST og Nettverk for Velferdsforskning ;
Normand, Linn Anne Margrethe;
Knarvik, Kimble;
Spirovska, Ivana
Our migration history: documenting immigrant lived experiences using an inclusive participatory approach
Normand, Linn Anne Margrethe
Kickoff: vår migrasjonshistorie.
Universitet i Stavanger;
Normand, Linn Anne Margrethe
Vår migrasjonshistorie Prosjekt Nettside ( .
Normand, Linn Anne Margrethe
Dembra LU: Vår migrasjonshistorie / Our migration history.
Kick off Dembra LU nettverk;
2020-05-11 - 2020-05-12.
Normand, Linn Anne Margrethe
Documenting the undocumented: immigrant minority narratives of lived experiences in the US and Norway using an inclusive research pedagogy. .
DEMCI annual seminar ;
2019-11-25 - 2019-11-26.
Normand, Linn Anne Margrethe
Documenting the undocumented’: immigrant minority testimonios of lived experiences in America .
2019 Millennium conference ‘Extraction, Expropriation, Erasure? Knowledge Production in International Relations’ ;
Normand, Linn Anne Margrethe
Documeting the Undocumented: Immigrant voices of past and present.
Seminar at The Digital Social Science Core Facility (DIGGSCORE);
2019-03-14 - 2019-03-15.
Normand, Linn Anne Margrethe
Documenting the Undocumented.
Symposium ;
2019-05-09 - 2019-05-10.