Tarjei Mandt Larsen
Førsteamanuensis i filosofi og metode

Telefon: 51833757
E-post: tarjei.m.larsen@uis.no
Rom: EOJ SV-213
Handelshøgskolen UiS
Avdeling for regnskap og rettsvitenskap
Førsteamanuensis i filosofi og metode
Telefon: 51833757
E-post: tarjei.m.larsen@uis.no
Rom: EOJ SV-213
Handelshøgskolen UiS
Avdeling for regnskap og rettsvitenskap
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Epistemological Cognition in Husserl.Mind.
ISSN 0026-4423.
Volum 132.
Hefte 527.
DOI: 10.1093/mind/fzad001
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Om Husserls syn på perseptuell begrunnelse.Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift.
ISSN 0029-1943.
Volum 54.
Hefte 1-2.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Interest and pregivenness in Husserl's genealogy of logic.Studia Phænomenologica.
ISSN 1582-5647.
Volum XVIII.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Introduction to Part I: Players and play. I: The Philosophy of computer games.Springer.
ISBN 978-94-007-4248-2.
Sageng, John Richard; Fossheim, Hallvard; Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
General introduction. I: The Philosophy of computer games.
ISBN 978-94-007-4248-2.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Merleau-Ponty and the Other World of Painting.
Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology.
ISSN 0007-1773.
Volum 34.
Hefte 1.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
McDowell and the Openness of Experience. I: Non-Conceptual Aspects of Experience.
Unipub forlag.
ISBN 82-7477-118-4.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Husserl and the Problem of Introduction.
Recherches husserliennes.
ISSN 1377-9613.
Volum 18.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
En presentasjon av Derridas dekonstruksjon i lys av hans lesning av Husserl.
Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift.
ISSN 0029-1943.
Volum 34.
Sageng, John Richard; Fossheim, Hallvard; Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
The Philosophy of computer games.
ISBN 978-94-007-4248-2.
Hallvard J., Fossheim; Sageng, John Richard; Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Non-conceptual aspects of experience.
Unipub forlag.
ISBN 82-7477-118-4.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Non-Conceptual Aspects of Experience.
Unipub forlag.
ISBN 82-7477-118-4.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt; Bærøe, Birgit; Sageng, John Richard
Deterritorializations: Art and Aesthetics in the 90s.
ISBN 9788243001497.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Personlighetstyper: C. G. Jungs typologiske modell.
Forlaget Paul Moxnes.
ISBN 82-990746-57.
Fadnes, Petter Frost; Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Fritt Spillerom!.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Tønnessen, Morten; Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Filosofimiljøet ved UiS ønsker årsstudium.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Husserl's Circularity Argument for the Epoché.
Solidarity - Community, Practice and Politics;
2018-04-19 - 2018-04-21.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Husserl's Circularity Argument for the Epoché.
Theory and Practice in Phenomenology;
2018-07-23 - 2018-07-25.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Husserl on Perceptual Justification.
Nordic Society of Phenomenology 2017;
2017-07-15 - 2017-07-17.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Husserl's Argument from the Problem of Transcendence.
Boston Phenomenology Circle Symposium;
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Husserl's Argument from the Problem of Transcendence.
Husserl Circle Meeting 2016;
2016-06-15 - 2016-06-18.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Husserl's Argument from the Problem of Transcendence.
The Philosophical Relevance of Phenomenology;
2016-02-12 - 2016-02-19.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Husserl and the Riddle of Cognition.
Research seminar;
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Husserl and the Problem of Radical Scepticism.
Research seminar;
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
The Pictoriality of Video Game Entities.
Representation and Interaction in Computer Games;
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
The Derivative Reality of Computer Game Entities.
The Philosophy of Computer Games;
2007-01-25 - 2007-01-27.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Experience and Experiencing in Husserl.
2006-06-22 - 2006-06-24.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Husserl and the Problem of Radical Scepticism.
Årskonferansen til Nordisk Sælskap for Fenomenologi;
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Notes for a Phenomenology of Virtual Objects.
The Third Place – Computer Games and Our Conception of the Real;
2005-05-20 - 2005-05-21.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Experience, Experiencing and Objecthood in Husserl.
Towards a Science of Consciouness 2006;
2005-08-17 - 2005-08-20.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Is Husserl’s Theory of Intentionality Internalist.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Husserl and the Riddle of Cognition.
Contemporary Issues in Metaphilosophy;
2001-11-30 - 2001-12-02.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
The Problem of the Reduction in "The Idea of Phenomenology".
2000-10-05 - 2000-10-07.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Spontaneity and Receptivity in McDowell and Husserl.
Non-Conceptual Aspects of Experience;
2000-07-05 - 2000-07-07.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Grøtvedts konspirasjonsteori.
ISSN 0805-3766.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Fornuftig pessimisme.
ISSN 0805-3847.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Forbrytersk filosofi?.
ISSN 0805-3847.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Kuhns vitenskapelige revolusjon.
ISSN 0805-3847.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Antikk populærfilosofi.
ISSN 0805-3847.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Gavens imperativer.
ISSN 0805-3847.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
lite dekonstruktivt leksikon.
Impuls : Tidsskrift for psykologi.
ISSN 0801-2911.
Volum 47.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
I svev med Derrida.
ISSN 0802-0736.
Volum 4.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Jacques Derrida – en filosofisk femtekolonnist.
ISSN 0805-3847.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Noter til litteraturen.
Impuls : Tidsskrift for psykologi.
ISSN 0801-2911.
Volum 46.
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Pornografien som forestillingsverden.
Impuls : Tidsskrift for psykologi.
ISSN 0801-2911.
Volum 46.