Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Idsøe, Thormod;
Keles, Serap;
Olseth, Asgeir;
Ogden, Terje
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Depressed Adolescents: Results from a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of a Group Course.
BMC Psychiatry.
ISSN 1471-244X.
Keles, Serap;
Olseth, Asgeir;
Idsøe, Thormod;
Sørlie, Mari-Anne
The longitudinal association between internalizing symptoms and academic achievement among immigrant and non-immigrant children in Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology.
ISSN 0036-5564.
Børve, Trygve;
Idsøe, Thormod
Mestringskurs for ungdom (DU).
I: Å mestre det vanskelige. Individrettede intervensjoner for barn og unge.
Gyldendal Akademisk.
ISBN 9788205500891.
Bru, Lars Edvin;
Garvik, Margit;
Øverland, Klara;
Idsøe, Thormod
I: Psykisk helse i skolen.
ISBN 9788215026015.
Idsøe, Ella Maria Cosmovici;
Idsøe, Thormod
Mobbing i et traumeperspektiv.
I: Psykisk helse i skolen.
ISBN 9788215026015.
Idsøe, Thormod;
Keles, Serap
Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of a group cognitive-behavioral course for depressed adolescents.
BMC Psychiatry.
ISSN 1471-244X.
Hva kan pedagoger/skolepersonell gjøre med stress og andre konsekvenser som rammer barn og unge som mobbes?.
I: Sosiale og emosjonelle vansker. Barnehagens og skolens møte med sårbare barn og unge.
ISBN 978-82-15-01777-8.
Idsøe, Thormod;
Idsøe, Ella Maria Cosmovici;
Chirita, Roxana
Psychosocial risk for antisocial behaviour: How can school psychologists and teachers identify and reduce risk factors?.
Bulletin of Integrative Psychiatry.
ISSN 1453-7257.
Volum 16.
Hefte 1.
Idsøe, Thormod
Job aspects in the School Psychology Service: Empirically distinct associations with positive challenge at work, perceived control at work, and job attitudes.
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.
ISSN 1359-432X.
Volum 15.
Karlsen, Bjørg;
Idsøe, Thormod;
Hanestad, Berit Rokne;
Murberg, Terje A.;
Bru, Edvin
Perceptions of support, diabetes-related coping and psychological well-being in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Psychology, Health & Medicine.
ISSN 1354-8506.
Volum 9.
Hefte 1.
Karlsen, Bjørg;
Idsøe, Thormod;
Dirdal, Ingrid;
Hanestad, Berit R.;
Bru, Edvin
Effects of a group-based counselling programme on diabetes-related stress, coping, psychological well-being and metabolic control in adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
Patient Education and Counseling.
ISSN 0738-3991.
Volum 53.
Idsøe, Thormod
Work behavior in the school psychology service: Conceptual framework and construct validity approached by two different methodologies.
Journal of School Psychology.
ISSN 0022-4405.
Volum 41.
Hefte 5.
Roland, Erling;
Idsøe, Thormod
Aggression and bullying.
Aggressive Behavior.
ISSN 0096-140X.
Volum 27.
Hefte 6.
Midthassel, Unni Vere;
Bru, Edvin;
Idsøe, Thormod
The Principal's Role in Promoting School Development Activity in Norwegian Compulsory Schools.
Volum 20.
Keles, Serap;
Türken, Salman;
Idsøe, Thormod;
Pigott, Therese Deocampo
An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-analysis on the Association of School Bullying with Symptoms and Diagnosis of PTSD.
ECER 2024 Conference;
2024-08-27 - 2024-08-30.
Holmen, Frida Johanne;
Idsøe, Thormod;
Næss, Kari-Anne Bottegård
Inference-Making Skills in First- and Second Language Learners in Preschool.
SSSR Thirty-First Annual Meeting;
2024-07-10 - 3034-07-13.
Nordahl, Marie Aurora;
Vaillancourt, Tracy;
Idsøe, Thormod;
Wang, Mari Vaage;
Brandlistuen, Ragnhild Eek
Lærer-barn-relasjon i barnehagen og deres betydning for barns psykiske helse og mobbing.
Barn og unge kongressen 2024;
2024-04-23 - 2024-04-25.
Nordahl, Marie Aurora;
Vaillancourt, Tracy;
Idsøe, Thormod;
Wang, Mari Vaage;
Brandlistuen, Ragnhild Eek
Are associations between teacher-child relationships in ECEC and outcomes at age 8 moderated by child problems at age 5?.
ISRA 2024;
2024-07-29 - 2024-08-02.
Keles, Serap;
Idsøe, Thormod;
Jonassen, Kjell Reidar
A group cognitive-behavioral program for adolescents moderates the effects of negative life events on depressive symptoms.
Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science;
2023-05-25 - 2023-05-28.
Nordahl, Marie Aurora;
Idsøe, Thormod;
Vaillancourt, Tracy;
Wang, Mari Vaage;
Brandlistuen, Ragnhild Eek
Bullying victimization and internalizing and externalizing problems: The impact of teacher-child relations in the context of early childhood education and care.
European Conference on Developmental Psychology;
2023-08-29 - 2023-09-01.
Idsøe, Thormod;
Øverland, Klara;
Terje, Ogden
Mestringskurs for ungdom (DU) gir en effekt i samsvar med Internasjonale tiltak som bygger på kognitiv terapi. Lavterskeltilbud for ungdom med depressive symptomer, er derfor nå tilgjengelig..
Idsøe, Thormod;
Ogden, Terje;
Keles, Serap;
Bringedal, Görel
Rekrutteringsutfordringer i lavterskeltilbudet "Depresjonsmestring for ungdom - DU".
Presentasjon hos Barneombudet;
Idsøe, Thormod;
Keles, Serap;
Bringedal, Görel;
Ogden, Terje
Utenfor rekkevide (Out of reach: Why do not youth seek help?).
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet).
ISSN 0332-6470.
ten Braak, Dieuwer;
Størksen, Ingunn;
Idsøe, Thormod
Examining developmental pathways between self-regulation and academic skills in Norway.
SRCD 2017 Biennial Meeting, Austin, Texas;
2017-04-06 - 2017-04-08.
Keles, Serap;
Idsøe, Thormod;
Friborg, Oddgeir;
Sirin, Selcuk;
Oppedal, Brit
The longitudinal relation between acculturation hassles and depression among unaccompanied refugees in Norway.
International Congress for the International Association for;
2014-07-15 - 2014-07-19.
Idsøe, Thormod;
Idsøe, Ella Maria C.;
Dyregrov, Atle;
Jonassen, Kjell Reidar;
Salmivalli, Christina
Do some children that report PTSD symptoms have a bullying history?.
Association for Psychological Science;
2014-05-22 - 2014-05-25.
Garvik, Margit;
Idsøe, Thormod;
Bru, Lars Edvin
Motivation and social relations in school following a CBT course for adoelscents with depressive symptoms: An effectiveness study.
14th Biennal Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence;
2014-09-03 - 2014-09-06.
Idsøe, Thormod;
Wergeland, Gro Janne;
Håland, Åshild Tellefsen;
Raknes, Solfrid
New Group Interventions for Adolescents.
44th Congress of the European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies;
2014-09-10 - 2014-09-13.
Idsøe, Thormod;
Garvik, Margit;
Bru, Lars Edvin
Effectiveness Study of a CBT based Adolescent Coping with
Depression Course to Prevent Dropout in Upper Secondary School.
44th Congress of the European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies;
2014-09-10 - 2014-09-13.
Garvik, Margit;
Idsøe, Thormod;
Bru, Lars Edvin
Academic motivation and social functioning following a group based CBT course for adolescents with depressive symptoms..
14th Biennal Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence;
2014-09-03 - 2014-09-06.
Midthassel, Unni Vere;
Roland, Erling Georg;
Vaaland, Grete Sørensen;
Roland, Pål;
Flack, Tove;
Idsøe, Thormod
Mobbebegrepet er viktig.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Idsøe, Thormod;
Roland, Erling Georg
Når barn blir fritt vilt.
Idsøe, Ella Maria C.;
Idsøe, Thormod
Creating positive climates to support the individual. How can educators promote healing relationships to help children exposed to family violence or bullying.
PREVNet's 7th Annual Conference: It's Everybody's Role to Promote Mental Health and Prevent Bullying;
2013-05-06 - .
Idsøe, Thormod;
Idsøe, Ella Maria C.
Relations can traumatize, Relations can heal. How can educators promote healing relationships to help children exposed to family violence and/or bullying.
PREVNet's 7th Annual Conference;
2013-05-07 - .
Idsøe, Thormod;
Manka, Stian
En av tre får posttraumatiske stresslidelser.
Idsøe, Thormod;
Idsøe, Ella Maria C.;
Bru, Lars Edvin;
Jonassen, Kjell Reidar
Feeling Included/Excluded/Bullied in School: Associations with Positive and Negative Affect.
Association for Psychological Science;
2013-05-23 - 2013-05-26.
Hatløy, Kristin;
Joa, Inge;
Idsøe, Ella Maria C.;
Idsøe, Thormod;
Johannessen, Jan Olav;
Langeveld, Johannes H.
High school students’ mental health literacy and attitudes to treatment; possible effects of an Norwegian early detection campaign and a psychoeducative curriculum.
2013-08-22 - 2013-08-25.
Idsøe, Thormod
Idsøe, Thormod
Emosjonelle vansker.
Landsdelssamlinga for PP-tjenesten i Nord-Norge ;
Idsøe, Thormod
Mobbing gir traumesymptomer.
Idsøe, Thormod
Mobbing gir traumesymptomer.
Idsøe, Thormod
Mobbeofre kan utvikle posttraumatisk stresslidelse.
Idsøe, Thormod
Mobbeofre kan utvikle posttraumatisk stresslidelse.
Idsøe, Thormod;
Idsøe, Ella Maria C.
Tiltak og tilpasning for mobbeofre.
Idsøe, Thormod
Being bullied can cause PTSD in children, study finds.
Idsøe, Thormod
Being bullied can cause trauma symptoms.
Idsøe, Thormod
Being bullied can cause PTSD in children.
Idsøe, Thormod
PTSD in children from bullying.
Idsøe, Thormod;
Jonassen, Kjell Reidar;
Idsøe, Ella Maria Cosmovici
Conduct Problems, Psychological Distress, and PTSD Symptoms Among Victims of Bullying.
Association for Psychological Science;
2012-05-24 - 2012-05-27.
Garvik, Margit;
Idsøe, Thormod;
Bru, Lars Edvin
Effectiveness Study of a CBT based Adolescent Coping with Depression Course.
13th Biennial conference of the European Associaton for Research on Adolescence;
2012-08-29 - 2012-09-01.
Tangen, Tone;
Nielsen, Morten Birkeland;
Mathiesen, S.B.;
Idsøe, Thormod;
Magerøy, Nils
Is bullying a stressor satisfying the A1 criterion for PTSD?.
The 8th International Conference on Workplace Bullying & Harassment - Future Challenges;
2012-06-12 - 2012-06-15.
Idsøe, Thormod;
Idsøe, Ella Maria C.;
Jonassen, Kjell Reidar
Associations between Being Bullied, Conduct Problems, Mental Health and PTSD Symptoms.
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 28th Annual Meeting;
2012-11-02 - 2012-11-05.
Fandrem, Hildegunn;
Idsøe, Thormod;
Oppedal, Brit
Reactive and proactive Aggressiveness Among Immigrant and native Preadolescents: The relation to Emotional and Conduct problems.
Internasjonal konferanse;
2011-03-31 - 2011-04-02.
Idsøe, Thormod;
Idsøe, Ella Maria Cosmovici;
Jonassen, Kjell Reidar
Teacher and Parent Monitoring: Associations With Bullying Exposure and PTSD Symptoms.
23rd Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science;
2011-05-26 - 2011-05-29.
Idsøe, Thormod;
Oppedal, Brit;
Dyregrov, Atle
Cross-Cultural Measurement Invariance of the Children's Impact of Event Scale (Cries-8) Measuring Symptoms of Traumatic Stress.
SRCD Biennial Meeting;
2011-03-31 - 2011-04-02.
Oppedal, Brit;
Noam, Gil;
Idsøe, Thormod
Post Traumatic Stress and Attachment Insecurity in Long Term Adaptation of Unaccompanied Minor Asylumseekers.
SRCD Bienniel Meeting;
2011-03-31 - 2011-04-02.
Idsøe, Thormod
School Bullying, PTSD Symptoms and Teacher Support: A Mediation Model.
ISTSS 27th Annual Meeting;
2011-11-02 - 2011-11-05.
Oppedal, Brit;
Idsøe, Thormod
Gender differences in network reconstruction, acculturation and mental health among resettled unaccompanied minor asylumseekers.
Migration: Economic Change, Social Challenge;
2011-04-06 - 2011-04-09.
Oppedal, Brit;
Idsøe, Thormod
Attachment and Psychosocial Adaptation in Unaccompanied Minor Asylum-seekers: The role of formal and informal networks.
15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology;
2011-08-23 - 2011-08-27.
Idsøe, Thormod;
Jonassen, Kjell Reidar;
Cosmovici, Elena Maria
Teacher Support Diminishes Bullying-related PTSD-Symptoms?.
the 22nd Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science;
2010-05-27 - 2010-05-30.
Idsøe, Thormod;
Dyregrov, Atle;
Cosmovici, Elena Maria
School Bullying and PTSD Symptoms in a National Representative Sample.
the 118th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association;
2010-08-12 - 2010-08-15.
Kwak, Kyunghwa;
Oppedal, Brit;
Idsøe, Thormod
Sociocultural Understandings of Parenting in the Norwegian Context.
the 118th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association;
2010-08-12 - 2010-08-15.
Dyregrov, Atle;
Idsøe, Thormod
Hjelp til barn som er mobbet.
VG : Verdens gang.
ISSN 0805-5203.
Idsøe, Thormod
Vold og traume.
Idsøe, Thormod
Idsøe, Thormod
"Hva med de som blir mobbet? Mobbin i et moderne traumeperspektiv".
Skjult mobbing;
Idsøe, Thormod
"Hva med de som blir mobbet? Mobbin i et moderne traumeperspektiv".
Skjult mobbing;
Munthe, Elaine;
Cosmovici, Elena Maria;
Idsøe, Thormod;
Bru, Edvin
Perception of teacher support and on task orientation among pupils with different achievement levels.
American Educational research Association, Annual Meeting;
2008-03-23 - 2008-03-28.
Idsøe, Thormod;
Hagtvet, Knut A.;
Bru, Edvin;
Midthassel, Unni Vere;
Knardahl, Stein
Investigation of work behaviour change among School Psychology Counselors.
The 116th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association;
2008-08-14 - 2008-08-17.
Idsøe, Thormod
En studie av endring av jobbatferd i PP-tjenesten gjennom et intervensjonsprogram.
Idsøe, Thormod
En studie av endring av jobbatferd i PP-tjenesten gjennom et intervensjonsprogram.
Idsøe, Thormod
Mobbing i et posttraumatisk perspektiv.
OK Prosjektet;
2007-11-01 - 2007-11-02.
Idsøe, Thormod
Hva med de som blir mobbet?.
Nettverkssamling i Zero;
Roland, Erling;
Idsøe, Thormod
Presentation of research on Aggression and Bullying.
Idsøe, Thormod
Actions taken to manage girl-bullying in a Norwegian school.
Violence in schools: awareness-raising, prevention, penalties;