Todor Kesarovski

Sted: Stavanger (Ullandhaug, KE)
Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for sikkerhet, økonomi og planlegging
Kort om meg
Todor is PhD Research Fellow at IØRP, University of Stavanger (Norway) since September 2019, where he works on a research project "Smart Densification for Sustainable Cities". Todor is part of the 'Smart City Research Network' at University of Stavanger and member of the leadership council of 'Placemaking Europe' network. He is also co-founder and member of '|In|Formal Association' for participatory planning, civil engagement and inclusive urban design.
Professional Experience:
- PhD Research Fellow at IØRP, University of Stavanger (Norway), 100% from 2019.
- Private practice as freelance urban planner and designer in Bulgaria, Netherlands, Norway and Argentina, 100% from 2015 until 2019.
- Urban designer at Pret-a-Loger, TU Delft (Netherlands), 20% in 2014.
- Research Fellow and Teaching Assistant at HGPID, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), 30% in 2012 and 20% in 2013.
- MA Urbanism, TU Delft (Netherlands).
- RMA Urban Studies, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands).
- BA Urbanism, UACEG, Sofia (Bulgaria).