Professor of Economics, UiS School of Business and Law
Mari Rege is a Professor of Economics at the University of Stavanger School of Business and Law where she also heads the UiS’s Program Area of Labor Economics and directs Synapse Lab.
Rege specializes in the fields of economics of education, labor economics and behavioral economics. She has published her research in high impact journals such as The Review of Economic Studies, The Economic Journal, Management Science, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Public Economics og American Psychologist. Rege is the co-founder and co-director of Synapse Lab, a cross-disciplinary lab at the UiS conducting large scale field experiments investigating motivation and learning in education and worklife.
Rege is an Op-Ed columnist in Dagens Næringsliv She recently led the Expert group for children in poor families, commissioned to propose measures that can give children who grow up in poverty a better and more inclusive childhood and improve social mobility.
E-mail: Phone: (+47) 51 83 37 21 Twitter: @marisrege
Current research projects
Op-Ed Columnist
Rege is an Op-Ed columnist in the main Norwegian financial newspaper (Articles in Norwegian only)

Dagens Næringsliv (DN)
Koronaledige må benytte muligheten til å lære mer, DN 04.09.20
Op-ed articles in the Aftenposten 2008 - 2012:
Orker ikke, klarer ikke, kan ikke, Aftenposten 11.05.12
Kollegers lønn kan påvirke motivasjon, Aftenposten 23.03.2012
Muligheter er urettferdig fordelt, Aftenposten 03.02.2012
Handlekraft i blinde, Aftenposten 16.12.2011
Kjønnsroller fra fortiden, Aftenposten 23.09.2011
Utsettelser på arbeidsplassen, Aftenposten 10.06.2011
Glasstaket og ekteskapet, Aftenposten 29.04.2011
Kvinner skyr konkurranse, Aftenposten 04.03.2011
Hvor går grensen?, Aftenposten 12.11.2010
Dyrekjøpt likestilling, Aftenposten 01.10.2010
Når far flytter bort, Aftenposten 25.06.2010
Tid med pappa og likelønn, Aftenposten 07.05.2010
Tiltaksløs tiltakspakke, Aftenposten 13.03.2010
Krisetid gir bedre helse, Aftenposten 28.08.2009
Gi gratis barnehage og avskaff kontantstøtten, Aftenposten 29.05.2009
Ung og ikke så lovende, Aftenposten 27.03.2009
Mer kriminalitet i krisetider, Aftenposten 27.02.2009
Nedbemanningens pris, Aftenposten 12.12.2008
Sykefravær smitter, Aftenposten 10.10.2008
Bedre skoler, mindre barnetrygd, Aftenposten 12.09.2008
Barnehagens hemmelighet, Aftenposten 13.06.2008