Kristian Thorsen

Associate Professor

Kristian Thorsen


Telephone: 51832056


Room: KE E-440


Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

About me

Kristian Thorsen is an Associate Professor in Control Engineering at the University of Stavanger (UiS), Norway. He is currently the leader of the Cybernetics and Systems Biology Laboratories research group.

Teaching and research interests

Cybernetics, dynamic systems, systems biology, synthetic biology, nonlinear systems, control engineering, control theory, mathematical modeling, electronics, embedded systems, signal processing, automation, robotics.

My interest in teaching comes from my own enthusiasm for science and engineering. In my approach to teaching I seek to combine a thorough understanding of theory, facts, and logic reasoning with practical applications and solving of industry relevant problems. I prefer to give courses that bring students into an engineering culture.

My research is focused on using concepts from control engineering to understand regulation in biological systems and on using mathematical models to understand and predict biological phenomena in single cells and in populations of cells and their environment.

ResearchGate profile:
Google Scholar profile:
Research group page:
Full academic CV: Dropbox Link

Teaching experience
ELE340 Embedded design / Computer design (10 ECTS)
Offered in the fifth semester of the bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. This course gives insight into structured design of embedded systems, i.e., microprocessor-based systems for measurement and control. The students are organized into project groups and project management and a multidiscipline attitude is emphasized. Design exercises in the laboratory forms a main part of the course. Full description:
Autumn 2016 – 2019, 2020*, 2021 (planned).
ELE600 Advanced control systems and robotics (10 ECTS)
Offered in the second semester of the master’s degree in control engineering. This course deals with feedback control systems, stability analysis, control parameter settings, gain scheduling, cascade control, feed forward control, deadtime compensation and multivariable control. In addition, basic robotic technology, coordinate systems, the Denavit-Hartenberg convention, forward and inverse kinematics, and the use of feedback control for positioning and velocity control of robotic joints. Full description:
Spring 2017, 2018*, 2019, 2020, 2021*.
YMF100 Introduction to mathematics and physics 1 (10 ECTS)
Offered in the first semester of the bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering (Vocational path / Y-vei). Concepts from pre-calculus and calculus. Numbers, algebra, equations and inequalities. Functions and second order expressions. Logarithms with base 10 and base e. Limits and asymptotes, derivatives, analysis of extrema for functions of one variable. Sequences and series. Physics: primarily movement and force. Full description:
Autumn 2013.
Introduction to mathematics and physics 2 (YMF110, 10 ECTS)
Offered in the second semester of the bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering (Vocational path / Y-vei). Concepts from calculus. Trigonometric functions. Vectors in 2D and 3D. Integral calculus and methods such as integration by parts and integration by the inverse chain rule. Practical applications of integrals. Probability. Physics: potential and kinetic energy, momentum, and more on force and movement in 2D. Full description:
Spring 2014 and 2016.


*Years where I have been responsible for the course, but the lectures have been given by others.

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Fjeld, Gunhild


      A systems biology approach to cellular homeostasis, volume changes and regulation of metabolism.

      Universitetet i Stavanger.

      ISBN 978-82-7644-916-7.

      Hefte 509.

    • Tveit, Daniel Myklatun


      Structural Properties of Biological Integral Feedback Motifs.

      Universitetet i Stavanger.

      ISBN 978-82-7644-951-8.

      Hefte 544.

    • Thorsen, Kristian


      Controller Motifs for Homeostatic Regulation and Their Applications in Biological Systems.

      Universitetet i Stavanger.

      ISBN 978-82-7644-628-9.

      Hefte 276.

  • Formidling
    • Stokka, Svein Håvard; Kommedal, Roald; Thorsen, Kristian; Uluseker, Cansu


      An Individual-based Model for Simulating Antibiotic Resistance Spread in Bacterial Flocs in Wastewater Treatment Plants.

      SIMS EUROSIM 2021 Conference on Modelling and Simulation - The 62nd International Conference of Scandinavian Simulation Society ;

      2021-09-21 - 2021-09-23.

    • Stokka, Svein Håvard; Haus, Eivind Sandve; Fjeld, Gunhild; Drengstig, Tormod; Thorsen, Kristian


      A Model of Aerobic and Anaerobic Metabolism in Cancer Cells - Parameter Estimation, Simulation, and Comparison with Experimental Results.

      SIMS EUROSIM 2021 Conference on Modelling and Simulation - The 62nd International Conference of Scandinavian Simulation Society;

      2021-09-21 - 2021-09-23.

    • Thorsen, Kristian


      The WastewaterAMR Project - Spread of Antibiotic Resistance in Wastewater Treatment Plants.

      Regional meeting Digital Life Norway;


    • Thorsen, Kristian; Kommedal, Roald; Lood, Rolf


      Wastewater treatment plants as critical reservoirs for resistance genes - Summary of JPI-EC-AMR JTC 2016 project: Gene-gas .

      JPIAMR Online workshop: Interventions to reduce the development and transmission of AMR;

      2020-09-03 - 2020-09-04.

    • Thorsen, Kristian; Davidson, Matthew


      Wastewater-AMR -- et partnerprosjekt i Senter for Digitalt Liv Norge.

    • Thorsen, Kristian; Grønnestad, Kjetil S.; Braut, Knut; Øien, Stian


      Lade-naboene kjemper om Elbil Markedet.

    • Uluseker, Cansu; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Thorsen, Kristian; Kommedal, Roald


      Modeling Antimicrobial Resistance Gene Transfer in Wastewater Treatment Plants.

      Control Engineering Concepts in Systems- and Synthetic Biology;

      2019-05-20 - 2019-05-22.

    • Uluseker, Cansu; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Thorsen, Kristian; Kommedal, Roald


      Mechanism of Antibiotic Resistance Gene Spread in Wastewater Treatment Plants Using Activated Sludge.

      4th International Conference on Alternative Fuels, Energy and Environment (ICAFEE 2019);

      2019-10-18 - 2019-10-21.

    • Thorsen, Kristian


      Mathematical modeling of biological processes and biological cybernetics.

      ARC Meeting 2019;


    • Løvås, Mari; Thorsen, Kristian


      Teknologiaften - How to motivate and inspire girls to a career in STEM fields?.

      Breaking the Ceiling - Women in International Higher Education and STEM Fields;

      2019-05-06 - 2019-05-10.

    • Tveit, Daniel Myklatun; Thorsen, Kristian; Drengstig, Tormod


      Modeling regulatory mechanisms behind sustained glucose uptake in growing cancer cells.

      Control Engineering Concepts in Systems- and Synthetic Biology;

      2019-05-20 - 2019-05-22.

    • Thorsen, Kristian


      Principles for feedback and control in biological systems. And a controller for increased copper tolerance in yeast.

      Control Engineeering Concepts in Systems- and Synthetic Biology;

      2019-05-20 - 2019-05-22.

    • Thorsen, Kristian


      Mathematical foundations for industrial robots.

      The Wide World of Maths lecture series;


    • Uluseker, Cansu; Basiry, Daniel; Stokka, Svein Håvard; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Thorsen, Kristian; Kommedal, Roald


      Modelling Antibiotic Resistance Gene Spread in Wastewater Treatment Plants.

      JPI-AMR Meeting;


    • Uluseker, Cansu; Basiry, Daniel; Stokka, Svein Håvard; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Thorsen, Kristian; Kommedal, Roald


      Modelling Antibiotic Resistance Gene Spread in Wastewater Treatment Plants.

      Collaboration Meeting;


    • Thorsen, Kristian


      Work at the UiS group for biological cybernetics: Building a controller for regulation of intracellular copper in yeast..

      International Bioengineering Day UCMerced;

      2018-04-04 - 2018-04-05.

    • Kommedal, Roald; Kumar, Gopalakrishnan; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Pala Ozkok, Ilke; Thorsen, Kristian


      A simple mathematical model for antimicrobial resistance gene transfer in wastewater treatment models.

      3rd International Conference on Alternative Fuels, Energy and Environment (ICAFEE 2018) & 1st International Conference on Water Resources and Sustainability (ICWRS 2018);

      2018-10-28 - 2018-10-31.

    • Ang, Jordan; Tveit, Daniel Myklatun; Fjeld, Gunhild; Drengstig, Tormod; Ruoff, Heinz Peter; McMillen, David R.; Thorsen, Kristian


      Reconciling principles for how to achieve feedback and control in biological systems.

      18th Conference of the International Study Group for Systems Biology;

      2018-09-24 - 2018-09-28.

    • Fjeld, Gunhild; Nordgård, Oddmund; Thorsen, Kristian


      Combining real time experimental data with a mathematical model to understand cancer cell metabolism.

      18th conference of the International Study Group for Systems Biology (ISGSB);

      2018-09-24 - 2018-09-28.

    • Thorsen, Kristian


      Mathematical foundations for industrial robots.

      The future is now lecture series ;

      2018-10-04 - .

    • Thorsen, Kristian


      How to achieve and understand feedback and control in biological systems.

      MoBi2C Research Seminar;

      2018-11-15 - .

    • Fjeld, Gunhild; Nordgård, Oddmund; Thorsen, Kristian


      Modeling the redirection of metabolic flux in cancer cells.

      Cell Symposia Metabolites as Signaling Molecules;

      2018-12-09 - 2018-12-11.

    • Stokka, Svein H.; Jakobsen, Kim A.; Thorsen, Kristian; Drengstig, Tormod


      Physiological based Modeling and Control of an Industrial Tank Process.

      SIMS 2017;

      2017-09-25 - 2017-09-27.

    • Tveit, Daniel Myklatun; Thorsen, Kristian


      Passivity-based analysis of biochemical networks displaying homeostasis.

      The 58th Conference on Simulation and Modelling (SIMS 58);

      2017-09-25 - 2017-09-27.

    • Thorsen, Kristian


      Kaosteori - deterministiske system med uventet og irregulær oppførsel..

      ABB Robotics Bryne Foredragsserie;


    • Thorsen, Kristian; Risvoll, Geir; Tveit, Daniel Myklatun; Ruoff, Peter; Drengstig, Tormod


      Tuning of Physiological Controller Motifs.

      Eurosim 2016;

      2016-09-12 - 2016-09-16.

    • Thorsen, Kristian


      The tendency against change: control and regulation as a condition for life..

      Article Binnale for elektronisk og ustabil kunst - Art Science and Cocktails;


    • Thorsen, Kristian; Risvoll, Geir; Mazumder, Mostafizur; McMillen, David R.


      A controller for regulation of intracellular copper in S. cerevisiae.

      International Conference on Systems Biology ICSB2016;

      2016-09-16 - 2016-09-20.

    • Thorsen, Kristian; Taraldsen, Lars; Andersen, Ina


      Automatisering - De mest utsatte ingeniørene: Derfor frykter de ikke automatiseringen.

    • Thorsen, Kristian; Drengstig, Tormod; Ruoff, Peter; Gundersen, Ina


      Nytt sykehus Ullandhaug - Jubler for plasseringen.

    • Agafonov, Oleg; Selstø, Christina Helen; Thorsen, Kristian; Xu, Xiang Ming; Drengstig, Tormod; Ruoff, Peter


      The Organization of Controller Motifs Leading to Robust Plant Iron Homeostasis.

      The 26th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research;

      2015-07-05 - 2015-07-09.

    • Thorsen, Kristian


      Building controller motifs to manipulate copper tolerance and homeostasis in S. cerevisiae..

      CORE Research Seminar;


    • Thorsen, Kristian


      Kybernetikk og fysiologi - biokjemiske kontrollere.

      Fagdagene 2013;


    • Thorsen, Kristian; Drengstig, Tormod; Ruoff, Peter


      Integrative modeling of glucose transport and homeostasis in enterocytes.

      CSHL Meeting on Computational Cell Biology 2013;

      2013-03-19 - 2013-03-22.

    • Drengstig, Tormod; Jolma, Ingunn Westvik; Thorsen, Kristian; Ruoff, Peter


      Fysiologiske reguleringsmekanismer.


      ISSN 0028-0887.

      Volum 137.

      Hefte 4.


    • Thorsen, Kristian; Drengstig, Tormod; Ruoff, Peter


      Modeling and simulation of intestinal nutrient uptake.

      The 13th International Conference on Systems Biology;

      2012-08-19 - 2012-08-23.

    • Thorsen, Kristian


      Cybernetics and physiology.

      Servomøtet 2012;

      2012-10-24 - 2012-10-25.

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