Kristian Thorsen
Førsteamanuensis i kybernetikk

Telefon: 51832056
Rom: KE E-440
Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for data- og elektroteknologi
Kort om meg
Kristian Thorsen is an Associate Professor in Control Engineering at the University of Stavanger (UiS), Norway. He is currently the leader of the Cybernetics and Systems Biology Laboratories research group.
Teaching and research interests
Cybernetics, dynamic systems, systems biology, synthetic biology, nonlinear systems, control engineering, control theory, mathematical modeling, electronics, embedded systems, signal processing, automation, robotics.
My interest in teaching comes from my own enthusiasm for science and engineering. In my approach to teaching I seek to combine a thorough understanding of theory, facts, and logic reasoning with practical applications and solving of industry relevant problems. I prefer to give courses that bring students into an engineering culture.
My research is focused on using concepts from control engineering to understand regulation in biological systems and on using mathematical models to understand and predict biological phenomena in single cells and in populations of cells and their environment.
ResearchGate profile:
Google Scholar profile:
Research group page:
Full academic CV: Dropbox Link
Teaching experience
- ELE340 Embedded design / Computer design (10 ECTS)
- Offered in the fifth semester of the bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. This course gives insight into structured design of embedded systems, i.e., microprocessor-based systems for measurement and control. The students are organized into project groups and project management and a multidiscipline attitude is emphasized. Design exercises in the laboratory forms a main part of the course. Full description:
Autumn 2016 – 2019, 2020*, 2021, 2022
- ELE600 Advanced control systems and robotics (10 ECTS)
- Offered in the second semester of the master’s degree in control engineering. This course deals with feedback control systems, stability analysis, control parameter settings, gain scheduling, cascade control, feed forward control, deadtime compensation and multivariable control. In addition, basic robotic technology, coordinate systems, the Denavit-Hartenberg convention, forward and inverse kinematics, and the use of feedback control for positioning and velocity control of robotic joints. Full description:
Spring 2017, 2018*, 2019, 2020, 2021*, 2022, 2023
- YMF100 Introduction to mathematics and physics 1 (10 ECTS)
- Offered in the first semester of the bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering (Vocational path / Y-vei). Concepts from pre-calculus and calculus. Numbers, algebra, equations and inequalities. Functions and second order expressions. Logarithms with base 10 and base e. Limits and asymptotes, derivatives, analysis of extrema for functions of one variable. Sequences and series. Physics: primarily movement and force. Full description:
Autumn 2013.
- Introduction to mathematics and physics 2 (YMF110, 10 ECTS)
- Offered in the second semester of the bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering (Vocational path / Y-vei). Concepts from calculus. Trigonometric functions. Vectors in 2D and 3D. Integral calculus and methods such as integration by parts and integration by the inverse chain rule. Practical applications of integrals. Probability. Physics: potential and kinetic energy, momentum, and more on force and movement in 2D. Full description:
Spring 2014 and 2016.
*Years where I have been responsible for the course, but the lectures have been given by others.