Sebastian Schanche Sandgren

Associate Professor

Sebastian Schanche Sandgren


Telephone: 51831497


Room: HG R-310

Location: Campus Ullandhaug, Stavanger


Faculty of Arts and Education

Department of Education and Sports Science

About me

Sebastian S. Sandgren is an Associate Professor in Sports Science, Chair of the Research and Development Committee within the Department of Education and Sports Science and leader for the research programme "Active for Life" at the University of Stavanger . He holds a Ph.D. in Sport Psychology from Loughborough University, and Sandgren currently conducts research within the fields of eating disorders, muscle dysmorphia and mental health in sport and non-sport populations.


  • Ph.D. in Sport Psychology - Loughborough University, UK
  • M.Sc. in Psychology of Sport - University of Stirling, UK
  • B.A. in Sport Science - University of Stavanger, Norway

Work experience

  • 2023-present: Chair, Research and Development Committee, University of Stavanger
  • 2021-present: Associate Professor, University of Stavanger
  • 2021: Research Associate, Loughborough University
  • 2017-2021: University Teacher, Loughborough University
  • 2017-2021: Doctoral Candidate, Loughborough University

Research areas

  • Sport, health and clinical psychology: eating disorders, muscle dysmorphia and mental health in athletes and in the general population
  • Health intervention development and testing of interventions
  • Quantitative and qualitative research methods

To read more about the Sports Science and Physical Education research group, click here



Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Diaz de Leon, Irina; Sandgren, Sebastian S


Coaches’ observations of eating disorder symptoms among athletes: initial validation of the Norwegian translated Athlete Eating Psychopathology Observation Questionnaire (AEPOQ).

Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology (JCSP).

ISSN 1932-9261.

Langeland, Lena; Sandgren, Sebastian S


Exploring health and exercise professionals’ views on muscle dysmorphia in the Norwegian population.

Performance Enhancement & Health.

ISSN 2211-2669.

Volum 12.

Hefte 2.

DOI: 10.1016/j.peh.2024.100282

Boulter, Matt W; Wooldridge, Tom; Bjelland, Vegard Ege; Sandgren, Sebastian S


My father, myself, and my muscles: Associations between muscle dysmorphia, narcissism and relationship with father among exercising males.

Personality and Individual Differences.

ISSN 0191-8869.

Volum 207.

DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2023.112173

Devrim-Lanpir, Asli; Zare, Reza; Redha, Ali Ali; Sandgren, Sebastian S


Muscle dysmorphia and associated psychological features of males in the Middle East: A systematic review.

Performance Enhancement & Health.

ISSN 2211-2669.

Volum 11.

DOI: 10.1016/j.peh.2023.100256

Sandgren, Sebastian S; Haycraft, Emma; Arcelus, Jon; Plateau, Carolyn R


An intervention mapping adaptation framework to develop a self-help intervention for athletes with eating disorder symptoms.

International Journal of Eating Disorders.

ISSN 0276-3478.

DOI: 10.1002/eat.24044

Sandgren, Sebastian S; Haycraft, Emma; Arcelus, Jon; Plateau, Carolyn R


Evaluating a motivational and psycho-educational self-help intervention for athletes with mild eating disorder symptoms: A mixed methods feasibility study.

European Eating Disorders Review.

ISSN 1072-4133.

DOI: 10.1002/erv.2891

Sandgren, Sebastian S; Haycraft, Emma; Pearce, Rhona; Plateau, Carolyn R.


Support for athletes with eating psychopathology symptoms: Exploring the views of athletes, coaches and sport practitioners.

Journal of Applied Sport Psychology.

ISSN 1041-3200.

DOI: 10.1080/10413200.2022.2032476

Sandgren, Sebastian S; Haycraft, Emma; Plateau, Carolyn R


Development and Initial Evaluation of the Athlete Eating Psychopathology Observation Questionnaire for Sport Professionals.

Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology (JCSP).

ISSN 1932-9261.

Volum 17.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1123/jcsp.2021-0108

Sandgren, Sebastian Schanche; Lavallee, David


Intervention Development for People with Muscle Dysmorphia Symptoms: Best Practice and Future Recommendations.

Journal of loss & trauma.

ISSN 1532-5024.

DOI: 10.1080/15325024.2022.2119718

Boulter, Matt W; Sandgren, Sebastian S


Me, Myself, and My Muscles: Associations Between Narcissism and Muscle Dysmorphia.

Eating Disorders.

ISSN 1064-0266.

DOI: 10.1080/10640266.2021.1930348

Sandgren, Sebastian S; Haycraft, Emma; Plateau, Carolyn R


Nature and Efficacy of Interventions Addressing Eating Psychopathology in Athletes: A Systematic Review of Randomised and Nonrandomised Trials.

European Eating Disorders Review.

ISSN 1072-4133.

DOI: 10.1002/erv.2704

Sandgren, Sebastian Schanche; Giske, Rune; Shalfawi, Shaher A. I.


Muscle dysmorphia in norwegian gym-going men: An initial investigation.


ISSN 1331-1441.

Volum 51.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.26582/K.51.1.3

Sandgren, Sebastian Schanche; Lavallee, David


Muscle Dysmorphia Research Neglects DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria.

Journal of loss & trauma.

ISSN 1532-5024.

DOI: 10.1080/15325024.2018.1428484

Sandgren, Sebastian S; Shalfawi, Shaher A. I.


How Does Muscle Dysmorphia Affect Physically Active Gym-Going Males’ Self-Perception and the Desire for Bigger Muscles.

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

ISSN 1064-8011.

Volum 30.


Bøker og kapitler

Sandgren, Sebastian S


The Development of a Participant-Centred and Evidence-Based Intervention to Address Eating Psychopathology in Athletes.

Sandgren, Sebastian S


A Systematic Review of the Research on Muscle Dysmorphia Post 2013.


Sandgren, Sebastian S; Haycraft, Emma; Arcelus, Jon; Plateau, Carolyn R


Short Paper Presentation: Evaluating a Motivational and Psycho-Educational Self-Help Intervention for Athletes with Mild Eating Disorder Symptoms: A Mixed Methods Feasibility Study.

Eating Disorders International Conference (EDIC) 2022;

2022-03-23 - 2022-03-24.

Sandgren, Sebastian S


Muskeldysmorfi blant menn: en oversikt over forekomst og utfordringer.

Mann nok? Kroppsidealisering og helse;


Sandgren, Sebastian S


Muskeldysmorfi: Hva sier forskningen?.

Nasjonalt folkehelseseminar - Antidoping Norge;


Sandgren, Sebastian S; Haycraft, Emma; Pearce, Rona; Plateau, Carolyn R


Exploring athletes’ and sport professionals’ views and preferences for the development of an intervention to address eating psychopathology in athletes.

Eating Disorders International Conference (EDIC);

2021-01-20 - .

Sandgren, Sebastian S


Muscle Dysmorphia.

Nordic Interest Group, Eating Disorders, Sport and Exercise, Webinar Series;

2021-01-12 - .

Sandgren, Sebastian S; Haycraft, Emma; Plateau, Carolyn R


Sport professionals’ observations of athlete eating psychopathology: Development and psychometric evaluation of the Athlete Eating Psychopathology Observation Questionnaire.

School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine, Annual Conference, Loughborough University;

2019-05-23 - .

Sandgren, Sebastian S; Haycraft, Emma; Pearce, Rona; Plateau, Carolyn R


Development of an evidence-based intervention to address eating psychopathology in athletes: An Intervention Mapping approach.

British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology (BPS-DHP) Annual Conference;

2019-07-10 - .

Sandgren, Sebastian S; Lavallee, David


Oral Conference Presentation: Muscle dysmorphia research neglects DSM-5 diagnostic criteria.

Postgraduate Annual Conference– Seeds of Knowledge;

2018-08-05 - .

Sandgren, Sebastian S


Muskeldysmorfi - en utfordring for mange unge menn.

Antidoping Norge;


Sandgren, Sebastian S; Shalfawi, Shaher A. I.


Conference Poster: How does muscle dysmorphia affect physically active gym-going males’ self-perception and the desire for bigger muscles.

National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Annual Conference;

2016-07-01 - .

Sandgren, Sebastian S


Mange unge menn får aldri nok muskler.

Sandgren, Sebastian S


Utrolig sterkt å se at enkelte svarte «svært enig» på spørsmål om de hatet sin egen kropp.

Kunstnerisk produksjon

Solstad, Tom Erik Jorung; Shaw, Matthew Peter; Sandgren, Sebastian Schanche


Episode 20 - Muskeldysmorfi.