DEMCI is an interdisciplinary program area with participants from different disciplines and departments.

The Democracy and Citizenship (DEMCI) strategic programme area is an interdisciplinary programme area with collaborations between several subjects:
- English
- Norwegian
- Social sciences
- Pedagogy
- Drama
- Physical education
- Sociology
between different departments and faculties:
- Department of Education and Sport Science
- Department of Cultural Studies and Language
- Department of Media and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Arts and Education
- Faculty of Social Sciences
and across national and international research networks:
- Gender network
- Smart City network
- Dembra LU national network
- TCLN: Transnational critical literacy network
- ITAP: International association for teaching pragmatics
Centred around global citizenship education, DEMCI focuses on inclusive participatory research and education methods aimed at increasing learner participation and giving voice to underrepresented groups. The programme area has three main research foci that are interrelated:
- (1) development of inclusive participatory teaching and research methods with children and young adults;
- (2) narrative research drawing on the methods of photovoice, testimonio and process drama; and
- (3) research and development of teaching approaches to counteract discrimination and prejudice through democratic citizenship practices that highlight inclusion, participation, critical thinking and diversity competence.
DEMCI comprises several interdisciplinary subgroups that collaborate across thematic projects: Multilingual and second language acquisition, including pragmatics, intercultural competence, and critical literacy; refugee and migration studies, including migration literature, identity and social inclusion; and the Dembra research group focused on pedagogical approaches to countering prejudice and racism in education.
DEMBRA teacher education
The University of Stavanger is part the DEMBRA teacher education network. Dembra is a programme for schools for the prevention of racism, group-based hostility and antidemocratic attitudes.
DEMBRA er Senter for Holocaust og livssynsminoriteter sitt lærerutdanningsopplegg. Gjennom dette partnerskapsarbeidet skal UiS jobbe tverrfaglig med utvikling undervisningsopplegg og ressurser som styrker profesjonskompetanse i temaer knyttet til rasisme, antisemittisme, fordommer og diskriminering i lærerutdanningen. Dette skal gjøres gjennom Faculty Learning Communities (FLC) på tvers av fag og lærerutdanningene ved Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora.
DEMBRA is the Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies's teacher education program. Through this partnership work, UiS will work interdisciplinary with the development of teaching programs and resources that strengthen professional competence in topics related to racism, anti-Semitism, prejudice and discrimination in teacher education. This will be done through Faculty Learning Communities (FLC) across disciplines and teacher educations at the Faculty of Arts and Education.
Contact Silje H. A. Nordmand.
Department of Education and Sports Science
Research group
External members
Rebecca Stuvland (Høgskolen i Innlandet)
Sandra Fylkesnes (Høgskolen i Østfold)
Delia Schipor (Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge)
Jena Lee Habegger-Conti (Høgskulen på Vestlandet)
Kimble Walsh-Knarvik (UiT Norges arktiske universitet)
Spiwe Thandabani Rønning (Fremmedspråksenteret/Høgskolen i Østfold)
Monica Torreiro-Casal (University of California, Davis, USA)
Johanna Ennser-Kananen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
Alberta Giorgi (University of Bergamo, Italia)