The research centre NCS2030 will find solutions that maximize the value creation of energy resources on the Norwegian continental shelf, while at the same time achieving the net-zero emission (NZE) goals.

The vision of the NCS2030 is to be the scientific and technology driver to facilitate an energy-efficient, multi-purpose utilization of the subsurface into a “Sustainable Subsurface Value Chain” to reach the net-zero-emission goals.
Four main research areas are identified: subsurface energy systems, net-zero emission production, digitalization, and society. Transitioning the NCS into the future Sustainable Subsurface Value Chain requires a new way of thinking across disciplines. Increased understanding of the subsurface for hydrogen and CO2 storage, geothermal energy, in addition to efficient hydrocarbon production, are elements that the centre will focus on to achieve the goal.
The centre is one of the largest research and industry consortia in Norway and includes an interdisciplinary team of researchers that will work together with industry experts. University of Stavanger together with NORCE, IFE and University of Bergen, are the main research partners. NCS2030 will collaborate with other national and international research institutions. The industry partners include operators on the Norwegian continental shelf, technology suppliers, and innovation companies that will ensure high relevance and societal benefits. The centre will be used as an enabler for dissemination through the annual Energy Norway Conference. Outreach activities at schools, public arenas and open access webinars are also some of the planned activities. We anticipate publishing high-impact papers in scientific peer-reviewed journals, as well as many conference presentations per year. Internationally, NCS2030 will promote Norway as an attractive technology and knowledge provider worldwide for the sustainable energy sector and will reinforce Norway’s leadership in sustainability.