Offshore Technology, Mechanical and Structural Engineering is a subfield within the doctoral programme in Science and Technology at UiS.

About the subfield
The subfield has specialisations in civil and offshore structural engineering, mechanical engineering and materials science, marine and subsea technology, and industrial asset management. The doctoral programme is linked to the research within each of these specialisations.
Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science.
Target audience
This program is well suited for those who are interested in a technical education program that combines engineering disciplines with important marine, offshore, subsea, mechanical and structural engineering topics. The education provides important core competence and forms the basis for a challenging and competitive career in both the public and private sectors.
Study courses
- MSK900 Advanced Mechanical Design and Simulation (10 credits)
- MSK910 Advanced Topics in Computational Methods (10 credits)
- OFF900 Environmental Loads on Structures (10 credits)
- OFF910 Selected Topics in Industrial Asset Management (10 credits)
- BYG910 Selected Topics in Civil and Structural Engineering (10 credits)
Students select one of these topics depending on their chosen specialisation. Study courses from other universities can also be selected as long as the course covers the learning outcomes for the programme.
Project courses
Project courses are supervisor-led and tailored according to the needs of the PhD project. The following project courses are offered:
- OFF905 PhD Project Course in Civil and Offshore Structural Engineering (10 credits)
- OFF915 PhD Project Course in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science (10 credits)
- OFF920 PhD Project Course in Industrial Asset Management (10 credits)
- OFF925 PhD Project Course in Marine and Subsea Technology (10 credits)
Learning outcomes will also be covered through completion of research documented by the doctoral thesis, disputation, participation in conferences with presentations, research/study abroad and preparation of scientific papers.
Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science