Master Thesis (MID500)

Course description for study year 2024-2025


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



The master's thesis is an independent scientific work with relevance to the field of sports science. The thesis is normally individual, but joint writing with a maximum of two studentse can be considered after application to the study program director. The content of the thesis can be purely deliberative, interpretive or have a more empirical approach, and it may be of a qualitative and/or quantitative nature. The work on the master's thesis takes place under professional guidance. Up to 20 hours of individual guidance is given, in the case of joint writing, up to 30 hours of guidance is given in total.

Learning outcome

Upon the successful completion of the course, the candidate should demonstrate the following competence:


  • Have the competence to justify your own research project based on the literature and critically apply relevant methods and theories.


  • Be able to carry out a research project.
  • Be able to formulate precise research questions and possibly present testable hypotheses.
  • Be able to review research literature in the field and possibly collect empirical material.
  • Be able to write a thesis based on a project description where the student shows insight into current research, theories and methods with relevance to the research question.
  • Be able to communicate your own research project in a professional manner.

General competence

  • Be able to identify and reflect on ethical aspects of research in general.

Required prerequisite knowledge

To start this course, students must have completed and passed all the subjects in the first year of the master's study or have the right to take a new/postponed exam. Students who fail the new/postponed exam will not receive further guidance or be able to submit their master's thesis before the exam has been passed.


Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Master thesis and oral exam 1/1 Letter grades

The master's thesis is normally 18.000 - 35.000 words. When co-writing, the scope is increased to 25.000 - 40.000 words and students are expected to adhere to the Vancouver recommendations, which provide practical and ethical guidelines for co-authors.It is possible to apply to write the thesis as an article with an additional extended part. The article must be 5000 - 7000 words + the additional extended part 5000-8000 words. The limit of 5000 - 7000 words per article may be waived if the selected journal has other limitations.Formal requirements: Calibri or equivalent font with size 12 and line spacing 1.5. Front page, table of contents, foreword, bibliography, as well as any appendices, are not included in the word limit. APA 7 shall be used as the reference system. The thesis must be written in Norwegian or English.Students are not entitled to new tutoring hours in the event of a new exam attempt/new admission.Submitted thesis is assessed with a provisional grade (A-F). The grade can be adjusted by up to one grade after the corrective oral exam. A thesis assessed as F cannot be defended orally. During the corrective oral exam, the student must initially give a presentation of the thesis in 15 minutes. The rest of the time should be a discussion about the thesis, for example about the strengths and weaknesses of the present work. The corrective oral exam will usually take one hour. Oral grading examinations are held individually by joint writing.

Coursework requirements

Godkjent deltakelse ved veiledning, Bestått alle forutgående emner i programmet, Midtveispresentasjon

The students must submit a project plan for the master project of 2,500 words +/- 10%. Grading scheme: approved/not approved. The project description must be delivered by September 15th at the latest.

The mid-term presentation normally takes place in January. There are requirements for own presentation, as well as active participation with constructive criticism of fellow students' presentations. Grading scheme: Pass/fail.

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Håvard Myklebust

Course teacher:

Sindre Mikal Dyrstad

Study Program Director:

Håvard Myklebust

Study Adviser:

Solveig Röwekamp

Study Adviser:

Ivar Bjørnsen

Method of work

Independent work with professional guidance.

Open for

Sports Science - Master's Programme
Exchange Students at Faculty of Arts and Education


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