City and Regional Planning - Master of Science
Study programme description for study year 2024-2025
Credits (ECTS)
Studyprogram code
Master's degree (2 years)
Leads to degree
Master of Science
4 Semesters
Language of instruction
The goal of this study programme is to educate students who are equipped with multi-disciplinary competences, with the ability to create and evaluate sustainable, functional, safe, and resilient urban infrastructure and communities. The programme integrates technical courses with design and social understanding. Placemaking, spatial analysis, conceptual development and design, as well as planning processes are central topics in this programme. The master's programme in City and Regional Planning focuses on shaping sustainable and robust urban infrastructure and communities, along with renewable energy solutions. The target group for this study programme is planning-, civil engineering- or architecture students who are interested in combinations of design, technical and social issues. Experience with city/urban/spatial planning courses as well as traditional and digital graphic design and representation skills are highly recommended.
The study programme is a post-graduate programme that runs over four semesters and covers 120 ECTS, resulting in a Master’s degree in City and Regional Planning. Students gain 90 compulsory study points (sp) in oral, project- and report-based assignments focusing on planning theory, methods, design, and regional planning. Over the third semester, students will be able to choose either exchange visits abroad (30 sp), or choose one of three specialisations (each 30 sp) in either “Sustainable Urban Development and Mobility”, “Renewable Urban Energy” or “Safe and Resilient Cities”.
The programme is in English, with optional Norwegian-taught courses.
The programme explicitly connects planning, engineering, and design to several sustainable development goals, pivoting especially towards numbers 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities and 13 - Climate Action. It contributes to these SDGs by applying theoretical concepts and practice-oriented approaches with the ambition of making cities more inclusive, adaptable, resilient, and sustainable. Using different pedagogical strategies, the programme achieves this through applied and conceptual approaches and evidence-gathering methodologies that measure, for example, climatic impacts and associated adaptation and mitigatory strategies. This could involve, for example, field trips to sites that further express classroom-based discussion, and the cross-examination of how sustainability goals transpire in present urban situations, with individual or team work trying assess - through drawings and site analyses - how best to address the needs of present users in a responsible, and yet future-oriented perspective.
Learning outcomes
After having completed the master’s degree programme in City and Regional Planning, the student shall have acquired the following learning outcomes, in terms of knowledge, skills and general competences:
K1: Has advanced knowledge within city and regional planning, and specific insight into selected topics.
K2: Has in-depth knowledge about scientific theory and methods within city and regional planning.
K3: Can apply knowledge to new topics within city and regional planning.
K4: Can analyse relevant problems while taking planning history, traditions, methods and social responsibility into account.
K5: Can understand and evaluate technical and aesthetic aspects of existing urban environment as well as propose new ones.
S1: Can participate and lead interdisciplinary planning processes on city, region and neighbourhood scales.
S2: Can analyse a space in terms of topography, history, built environment and traffic.
S3: Can propose compound master plans and small-scale designs.
S4: Can shape sustainable, functional, safe and resilient environments.
S5: Can critically assess consequences associated with proposed land use, building development and transport plans.
General Competence
G1: Can analyse professional, theoretical and research-ethical problems.
G2: Can apply knowledge and skills to new areas in order to implement advanced tasks and projects.
G3: Can convey extensive pieces of independent work and master planning terminology –orally, written and graphically.
G4: Can communicate planning problems, analyses and conclusions, to both experts and the public.
G5: Can critically assess and reflect on literature and projects on city and regional planning.
G6: Can contribute to original thinking and innovation.
Career prospects
The programme’s combination of courses in technology, design, and social sciences give students a wide skillset, and thus a large spectrum of job opportunities. Typical examples include work in physical planning and management, urban design and planning, and urban analysis in both public and private sectors.
A completed Master of Science can qualify for admission to the PhD programme in science and technology with specialisation in risk management and societal safety at the University of Stavanger.
Course assessment
Schemes for quality assurance and evaluation of studies are stipulated in Quality system for education
Study plan and courses
Enrolment year:
Compulsory courses
BYG500: Urban Analysis and Planning Methods
Year 1, semester 1
BYG510: Placemaking
Year 1, semester 1
BYG655: New Technologies and Ideas for Sustainable City Development
Year 1, semester 1
New Technologies and Ideas for Sustainable City Development (BYG655)
Study points: 10
BYG610: Sustainable City Regions
Year 1, semester 2
BYG640: Selected topics in City and Regional Planning
Year 1, semester 2
Selected topics in City and Regional Planning (BYG640)
Study points: 10
RIS660: Research Methods in Risk, Safety, and Security Studies
Year 1, semester 2
Research Methods in Risk, Safety, and Security Studies (RIS660)
Study points: 10
BYGMAS: Master Thesis in City and Regional Planning
Year 2, semester 3
Courses at UiS or exchange 3rd semester
Courses at UiS 3rd semester
Sustainable Urban Development and Mobility
BYG620: Urban Development Project 7
Year 2, semester 3
BYG650: Practical training in City and Regional Planning
Year 2, semester 3
Practical training in City and Regional Planning (BYG650)
Study points: 10
IND570: Green Transition management
Year 2, semester 3
Renewable Urban Energy
MEE100: Societal Transition and Transformation - Energy and Climate Change
Year 2, semester 3
Societal Transition and Transformation - Energy and Climate Change (MEE100)
Study points: 10
PET515: Energy, Energy Technologies, and Energy System Integration
Year 2, semester 3
Energy, Energy Technologies, and Energy System Integration (PET515)
Study points: 10
SAM550: Energy, Societal Safety and Sustainable Development
Year 2, semester 3
Energy, Societal Safety and Sustainable Development (SAM550)
Study points: 10
Urban Safety and Resilience
Urban Safety and Resilience
RIS505: Foundations of Risk Analysis and Risk Science
Year 2, semester 3
Foundations of Risk Analysis and Risk Science (RIS505)
Study points: 10
RIS515: Theories of Risk Perception and Risk Governance
Year 2, semester 3
Theories of Risk Perception and Risk Governance (RIS515)
Study points: 10
Choose one course
BYG620: Urban Development Project 7
Year 2, semester 3
BYG650: Practical training in City and Regional Planning
Year 2, semester 3
Practical training in City and Regional Planning (BYG650)
Study points: 10
Other electives
BYG620: Urban Development Project 7
Year 2, semester 3
BYG650: Practical training in City and Regional Planning
Year 2, semester 3
Practical training in City and Regional Planning (BYG650)
Study points: 10
IND570: Green Transition management
Year 2, semester 3
MEE100: Societal Transition and Transformation - Energy and Climate Change
Year 2, semester 3
Societal Transition and Transformation - Energy and Climate Change (MEE100)
Study points: 10
PET515: Energy, Energy Technologies, and Energy System Integration
Year 2, semester 3
Energy, Energy Technologies, and Energy System Integration (PET515)
Study points: 10
RIS505: Foundations of Risk Analysis and Risk Science
Year 2, semester 3
Foundations of Risk Analysis and Risk Science (RIS505)
Study points: 10
RIS515: Theories of Risk Perception and Risk Governance
Year 2, semester 3
Theories of Risk Perception and Risk Governance (RIS515)
Study points: 10
SAM550: Energy, Societal Safety and Sustainable Development
Year 2, semester 3
Energy, Societal Safety and Sustainable Development (SAM550)
Study points: 10
Exchange 3rd semester
Exchange 3rd semester