PhD students doing research in sustainability and green transition can also now contribute to the interdisciplinary Green Transition PhD community. The community is a lively platform for young researchers who want to expand their network beyond disciplinary boundaries, and work on their transferable skills. Recently a retreat was organized in Sogndalstrand.

Ruth Pincinato, associate professor in industrial economics and member of the working group for green transition, facilitates the PhD community.
She says that having a community covering all the faculties withgreen transition in its core facilitates the discussion of relevant topics from different perspectives – which is important to solve complex issues.
Organized a writing retreat
In collaboration with the Research Network for Smart Sustainable Cities, which is led by Anders Riel Müller, a joint writing retreat for doctoral degrees was organized in Sogndalstrand this January.
22 Ph.D.'s from three faculties at UiS working on topics related to sustainability and green transition joined the reatreat.
"This was a good start to get PhD students across different faculties to get to know each other, but building a community takes time and resources. From my experience, it requires a good mix of scientific and social activities to keep it going.
It's not easy, because we tend to retreat into our departments ... so we have to keep pulling them together.” says Riel Müller.
Participants says
I found it useful to discuss my work with others. I got new ideas, learned about new methods and simply got some life hacks related to Ph.d.-life.
It is important to occasionally step out of your shell and see how others are trying to find answers to the same question from a different point of view.
Are you interested in joining the green transition PhD community? Contact: Ruth Pincinato.
Smartby's PhD network and this new network for green transition and sustainability will be merged during 2023.
Would you like to know more about how UiS is working withing green transition? Read more about green transition.
Text and photo: Sabrina Ebenhoch, coordionator for green transition at UiS spring 2023