Anders Riel Müller
Førsteamanuensis i byplanlegging

Telefon: 51831048
Rom: KE C-327
Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for sikkerhet, økonomi og planlegging
Kort om meg
My original name is Song Yeongjun/송연준. I am Associate Professor in City and Regional Planning and currently project lead for the Research Network for Smart Sustainable Cities, an interdisciplinary and cross-faculty initiative and project lead for the NFR Capacity Lift project Future Energy Hub aiming to strengthen research and regional competences for sustainable buildings and neighborhoods.
I teach and supervise in the Urban and Regional Planning programme at the Department of Economics, Safety and Planning. I am also affiliated with the Department of Media and Social Sciences where I teach and supervise in the Master in Energy, Environment and Society.
I currently offer the following course(s):
I am also a regular guest lecturer in the following courses:
- Sustainable City Regions (BYG610)
- Societal Transition and Transformation - Energy and Climate Change (MEE100)
- Digital Societies for Sustainable Energy Transitions (MEE128)
- Energy and Environmental Politics (BST210)
- Bærekraft og grønn omstilling (SV100)
My research areas include the cultural political economy of urban and regional transformations, economic development, Land use politics, energy, and food with a focus on aspects of justice, democracy, and alternative economies. I am also particularly interested in questions of empire, colonialism, post-colonialism, and decoloniality. My geographical areas of expertise are mainly East Asia and Scandinavia. I am currently member of four research groups/programme areas at UiS: Sustainable urban development, planning and design, Social and Spatial Justice, Digital Society, and Sustainability Transformation. I am also co-host of the podcast Challenging Nordic Innocence where we explore social, spatial, and environmental justice in the Nordic region.
Current Projects
ULALABS: University Lab of Labs for Transformative Societal Innovation - Erasmus+
Research Network for Smart Sustainable Cities (Lead) - Universitetsfondet
Future Energy Hub (PI) - Research Council of Norway
Tested in Rogaland (PI) - Regionalt Forskningsfond Rogaland
New European Bauhaus Stavanger (NEB-Star) - EU European Green Deal
Keep the City Ticking: Architectures of Fulfilment and the Infrastructures of Migration and Labour - Independent Research Fund Denmark
Ghosts of Empire in the North Sea
Past projects
The North Sea: Europe's Energy Frontier - UiS Seed Funding - Green Transition
The ECIU University Research Institute for SMART European Regions (Task 4.2 Lead)
ECIU Urban Transformation Collaboratory
Building bilateral research network towards resilient, smart and sustainable cities and regions
Youth Marginalisation in Urban Areas (Seoul, Shanghai, Copenhagen) - Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science International Network Programme
The Nordplus Network Global & Intercultural competence through practicum in the global south (GIPS) - Nordplus
Professional Experience
Before returning to academia in 2011 to pursue a PhD, I worked with regional economic development planning in Northern and Eastern Europe and the US within the areas of renewable energy, urban agriculture, and climate change adaptation. I worked 5 years in Silicon Valley/San Francisco where I also founded a non-profit tech start-up in 2009 developing geo-spatial visualisation tools (GIS, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality) for climate change mitigation and adaptation in partnership with UN Habitat among others. I founded an organic urban farm in Denmark back in 2005 focused on preserving older non-commercial, but genetically and culturally importand, vegetable varieties with financial support from the EU Social Fund. I have also co-founded two political organisations in the US and Denmark respectively and worked with numerous other organisations and movements around the world advocating for food sovereignty, land rights, and environmental justice.
Dette forsker jeg på
- Arealpolitikk og arealkonflikter/Land use politics and lad use conflicts
- Energiomstilling/Energy transitions
- Mat og matpolitikk / Agro-food studies
- Regional økonomisk utvikling/Regional economic development
- Demokrati og byutvikling/Democracy and urban development
- Smarte byer/Smart cities
Akademisk bakgrunn
Ph.d. International Development Studies from Roskilde University (2015)
M.Sc. in Business Studies and Technological, Socio-economic, and Environmental Planning from Roskilde University (2003)
B.Sc. Business Studies from Roskilde University (2000)
I have been a visiting researcher at
University of Manchester, Department of Geography (2014)
Yonsei University, Department of Cultural Anthropology (2012)
Concordia University/Université Concordia, Department of Religion (2002/2003)