Nye bøker i biblioteket på Arkeologisk museum

Her finner du et utvalg av nye bøker våren 2024. Alle bøkene er tilgjengelig for utlån eller nedlasting ved biblioteket på Arkeologisk museum.

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Portable and parietal art of Kamyana Mohyla, Ukraine

Finn mer informasjon om boken i Oria.


In the darkest of days : exploring human sacrifice and value in southern Scandinavian prehistory

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Changing identity in a changing world : current studies on the Stone Age around 4000 BCE

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Flere papirbøker:

Mesolithic art : abstraction, decoration, messages : international and interdisciplinary conference Halle (Saale), Germany, 19th-21st September 2019 = Mesolithische Kunst : Abstraktion, Dekoration, Botschaften : internationale und interdisziplinäre Konferenz Halle (Saale), Deutschland, 19.-21. September 2019

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Death in Irish prehistory

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Järnålderns symboler och dolda bodskap

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Forntidens kemi

Les om boken i Oria.

The Body in history : Europe from the Paleolithic to the future

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Reimagining Human-Animal Relations in the Circumpolar North

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Contemporary philosophy for maritime archaeology : flat ontologies, oceanic thought, and the Anthropocene

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Past landscapes : the dynamics of interaction between society, landscape, and culture

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Kommunikation - Zeichen - Macht : Tagungsbeiträge der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Spätantike und Frühmittelalter

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Making scenes : global perspectives on scenes in rock art

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Magnus Lagabøtes landslov

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A cultural history of plants in antiquity

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